Most galaxy associations are small and have a low density contrast.
Polyurethane is a low density, flexible foam that offers good shock absorbency and resiliency.
A low density polyethylene produced by a low pressure process, by Ziegler-Natta polymerization or by use of the Phillips process.
The results showed that conductive composite particle has a low density and good conductive performance, which can meet the demand of conductive adhesives.
A low density cement slurry of zero thickening transition period which was appropriate to low temperature and shallow flow cementing operation in deepwater was introduced.
Air has a low density and great compressibility. The volumetric flow rate of air in air drilling varies with pressure and temperature, which in turn, change with WLL depth.
The interaction between an ultra-short ultra-intense laser pulse and a solid target with a low density pre-plasma is examined. Both linear and circular polarizations of the laser are considered.
Although its visual effect is so pronounced, dust is only a minor constituent of the material, extremely low in density, that lies between the stars.
Half a century of town and country planning has enabled it to retain an enviable rural coherence, while still permitting low-density urban living.
Grapes have a low energy density - 1 cup of grapes has about 104 calories.
They found a strong association between those whose autobiographies had low idea density and presence of the Alzheimer-related tangles in the frontal, temporal or parietal lobe of the brain.
Just as it is sometimes useful to speed up to move quickly through writing with a low information density, you often need to slow down to catch the important or confusing bits.
Three main factors play a role in what makes food high or low in energy density.
Insects and pathogens are integral components of forest ecosystems and normally are present at a relatively low density, causing little damage, and having negligible impact on tree growth and vigour.
The firm says the low power-density of its lasers and a series of safeguards ensures that human exposure remains within regulatory limits.
This is a low energy-density device, which stores electricity directly by charging two conductive plates with static.
With each new measurement, Pluto got lighter and tinier, until astronomers realized that the object is in fact smaller than Earth's moon and has a very low density.
A continuous ramp winds up the tower with low, medium and high density residential units attached.
Low density polyethylene makes a nice substitute for PVC. It has a simple makeup and doesn't require additives to make it soft and pliable.
There were just two problems: it had a lower energy-density than cobalt oxide and suffered from low conductivity, limiting the rate at which energy could be delivered and stored by the battery.
Because the second kind, low-density lipoprotein (LDL), get smaller and smaller until they're tiny enough to enter the walls of your blood vessels and attach themselves like a bad houseguest.
因为还有第二种胆固醇,即低密度脂蛋白(LDL) LD L变得越来越小直到他们足够小能进入血管壁,然后依附在血管壁上。
While Burchard was experimenting with refrigerator insulation, he came up with a novel way of molding low-density foam.
The introduction of a special contracting system for health workers was a successful approach to reopening health posts in regions with low health workforce density in Senegal.
Good power density means a shape like a peanut butter jar, easy to fill or empty; low power density is more like a wine jug with a narrow neck.
There’s also a region of low-density that could be a section of the hominid’s brain.
Following a lifestyle that decreases LDL (low-density lipoprotein) and increases HDL (high-density lipoprotein) is the primary path to lower cholesterol.
Following a lifestyle that decreases LDL (low-density lipoprotein) and increases HDL (high-density lipoprotein) is the primary path to lower cholesterol.