If you wish to impress your friends and relatives, you can change this simple process into a magic trick.
The God says:"Parting the soup is not a miracle, that"s just a magic trick.
The Wild Things try to scare him, but Max tames the them with a magic trick.
According to American gymnast Alex Naddour, the therapy works like a magic trick.
Behold, like a magic trick, what happens when we remove the simple tonal contrast!
I said, as if pulling out a deck of CARDS to do a magic trick. "I do get fan letters."
It may sound like a magic trick, but it makes sense if you think about the fact that the light you can see is only a small section of the larger spectrum of energy all around you.
For the upcoming Lantern Festival Gala which will be held by Hunan TV, Liu will perform again, with his new apprentice this time. He has even designed a magic trick particularly for Li.
In a final pair of experiments, the scientists tested metaphors like "hard-hearted" and "she's a rock" by first having people touch either a wooden block or a soft blanket as part of a magic trick.
THE Indian rope trick is a legendary feat of magic in which a boy climbs a rope only to disappear into thin air at the top.
That's why every magic trick has a third act, the hardest part, the part we call "The Prestige".
It occurred to me it'd be a great magic trick if I then appeared in back.
If the secrets behind the magic are known to them, they would fell that the magic is nothing but a petty trick and the magicians are ridiculous clowns rather than demigods.
The magic trick here that makes it work is a chunk of data called a Procedure Linkage table (PLT), a table in the program that lists every function that a program calls.
实现此奇妙功能的是一个称为过程链接表(Procedure LinkageTable) (plt)的数据块,它是程序中的一个表,列出了程序所调用的每一个函数。
Making an effective speech is not as difficult as it seems. It is not a special magical trick, it is really just common sense. The person making the speech is really the one with all the magic.
Despite the various forms which magic has taken, the age-old question remains. Is it real or is it all just a trick of the mind?
Yao continues to pull off a deft magic trick. He makes people believe he's a devastating center when in actuality he's accomplished very little in his career.
Yao continues to pull off a deft magic trick. He makes people believe he's a devastating center when in actuality he's accomplished very little in his career.