He once said, "Any man more right than his neighbors 11 constitutes a majority of one."
I think all personality types bring something to the table that can compose a better team vs a majority of one 'best suited for agile' personality style.
Now that women are the majority of college students and surpass men in both the number of undergraduate and advanced degrees awarded, one might think the college campus is a pretty equal place.
At present, the majority of hotel loyalty schemes establish little more than a transactional relationship with customers, one that works only as long as the customer values the benefits.
The vast majority of existing studies have not found a link between phones and cancer, and if such a link exists, it is unlikely to be a large one.
Now, those who were active, were in a great majority ‘forced’ to participate, forced to be a cell in one of the greatest monsters that humans could conceive.
The latest release of data from last year's decennial census confirms that whites still constitute a slender majority, 54%, of those under 18, and a larger one, 64%, of the population as a whole.
In a majority of cases, it's not going to be a site that someone USES for five years-or even one year.
For one, writing nastiness that the vast majority of the world's personal computers are susceptible to is a more efficient use of resources than writing the same evil for a sliver of the population.
Google isn't trying to compete with a standard OS, they're trying to help users realize that for the majority of computing they do, they don't need one in the first place.
Media-One will be the majority shareholder and will appoint a majority of the joint venture company's board of directors.
Media - One将成为一个大股东并任命合资公司大多数的董事。
Van Buren won a majority of the votes — one hundred and forty-six. But that was not enough.
Some drivers use NAPI, but the large majority still use the older frame reception interface (by a rough factor of six to one).
While there are certain "core" functions that the majority of EPMOs perform, the role, the staffing, and the services or functions delivered vary to a surprising degree from one enterprise to another.
On the one hand are the vast majority of Internet users who believe that any life worth living must allow a substantial measure of privacy.
It is highly unlikely that any one electoral alliance will win a majority of seats.At least one alliance that is predicted to do well has a secular and admirably non-sectarian outlook.
One is microcredit, a system of lending to very poor people, the majority of whom are female microentrepreneurs who are thus helped to climb out of poverty.
Not one Republican will touch it, so she needs 85% of her party’s votes for a bare majority.
The huge majority of sailboats large enough to have a motor were built for either an inboard or an outboard, so you'll usually be choosing between boats that already have one or the other installed.
At one point, Mr. Jobs was asked by the Microsoft founder Bill Gates to give a majority of his wealth to philanthropy alongside a number of prominent executives like Mr. Gates and Warren E. Buffett.
When the majority of apps work offline and you've fully transitioned away from desktop apps, a web-connected netbook, especially one that's affordable, could easily become your everyday computer.
The vast majority of chief executives of big firms hail from one of a handful of grandes écoles, such as École Polytechnique, an elite science school.
That's a large majority, but not an overwhelming one—certainly no company can afford write off 20% of its customer base out of hand!
这个数字非常庞大,但并不具有绝对优势 —当然,没有公司会将 20%的用户群拱手与人。
That's a large majority, but not an overwhelming one—certainly no company can afford write off 20% of its customer base out of hand!
这个数字非常庞大,但并不具有绝对优势 —当然,没有公司会将 20%的用户群拱手与人。