Note this selection is purely optional for visual purposes only, and is a matter of personal preference.
While you could check out the source tree, source code organization is largely a matter of personal preference.
I think it's another example of where both answers are justifiable, and there's a matter of personal preference.
Choice of hairstyle, attire, cosmetics and adornment as a matter of personal preference, but must be professional.
While this is a matter of personal preference, Press says, "Some people think solitaire is a much more classic, traditional style."
It is, of course, a matter of personal preference whether one chooses to live all by himself or with his friends or family members.
Of course, you can also put these URLs into an XML file and pass it as input to the query: it's just a matter of personal preference.
In terms of personalities, both the male and the female make wonderful companion and the difference is a matter of personal preference.
Whether you use business capabilities or service architectures, or both, to identify candidate services is a matter of personal preference.
But this is largely a matter of personal preference, so feel free to add REFRESH SECURITY as the last step of the second script if you like.
Which player one prefers is of course a matter of personal preference, but the mass comparisons are getting fairly annoying, to put it simply.
Which way you choose to do this is a matter of personal preference, although this method does allow you to keep all your animation elements together.
The Boa system (thin steel strands adjusted by a dial) is simple and secure, though a touch to firm for some tastes. Your choice is a matter of personal preference.
After dinning into you that taste is merely a matter of personal preference, they take you to the museum and tell you that you should pay attention because Leonardo is a great artist.
Mature Executives know how to present themselves appropriately every time they enter a room because they know that maintaining a professional image is not just a matter of personal preference.
Choosing which diagram to use is often a matter of convenience and personal preference.
For it's obvious that by opinion he means his personal preference, a matter of taste.
For it's obvious that by opinion he means his personal preference, a matter of taste.