Acute liver failure is a medical emergency that requires hospitalization.
Meningococcal disease is potentially fatal and should be viewed as a medical emergency.
Meningococcal disease is potentially fatal and should always be viewed as a medical emergency.
These items can be chewed up, splinter, and again, this would be a medical emergency or worse.
Wear a medical bracelet or necklace to tell others that you have diabetes during a medical emergency.
You know, having a medical emergency will occur usually at some point in time during all of our lives.
The level of oxygen in our blood will actually decrease to levels that would be considered a medical emergency.
Meningitis is considered a medical emergency requiring early recognition and treatment to prevent neurologic damage.
Pet First Aid helps you provide the basic care and attention that your four-legged friend might need in a medical emergency.
Everybody knows it's better to go to the doctor for preventive care rather than to wait until a medical emergency happens.
Dehydration is a medical emergency, and your Kitty may need an IV, especially if he's lethargic and weak, and he's not drinking any water.
One of these delays could force a family to deprive itself of basic necessities-for example, by not seeking treatment for a medical emergency.
Here is another ectopic pregnancy in a fallopian tube that was excised. This is a medical emergency because of the sudden rupture with hemoperitoneum.
Late stent thrombosis, although a rare event affecting less than 1% of DES patients, is a medical emergency, with patients dying in up to 45% of cases.
They would dash to and from a medical emergency a lot faster. They would also be very agile in flight, which would increase their capabilities in combat.
Another warning sign of a medical emergency is difficulty breathing. This could mean a heart condition. Or there could be a hole or a blockage in a lung.
Session locks may need to be forcibly overridden in certain cases, such as a medical emergency in a hospital system, but such overrides should be logged for audit purposes.
When a medical emergency happens on the fireline, having an air medical evacuation plan in place can drastically decrease scene time and increase firefighter survivability.
And in Arizona a dog is being called a hero. Buddy called 911 after his owner had a medical emergency. The owner said his German shepherd service dog has helped him get help three times in the past.
Pepper can be a babysitter (保姆), nurse and emergency (急救) medical worker.
As it turned out, Mr. Musarella, a retired police officer, was one of the emergency medical technicians who responded to the apartment when Ms. Wimmer's parents discovered her body and dialed 911.
Lifeguards were sent to a nearby grocery store to buy vinegar and baking soda for emergency medical technicians, who set up a triage area.
Just to name a few: stockbrokers, emergency medical personnel, high level managers, on-call specialists (and hundreds of others.)
If there's a medical or security emergency you need to know that the organisation you're volunteering with has up-to-date plans and procedures for dealing with these. Ask before you go.
We have enough wealth as a society that no one should ever be just one medical or dental emergency away from homelessness or hunger.
We have enough wealth as a society that no one should ever be just one medical or dental emergency away from homelessness or hunger.