A million years ago, we were essentially an endangered species.
So a million years ago, we were essentially an endangered species.
So a million years ago, we were essentially an endangered species.
A million years ago, molten magma explosively burst above the waves.
One particular transposon first appeared about a million years ago.
Because even half a million years ago, nine out of 10 European humans favored their right hands.
Crude tools, such as sharp stones for cutting or scraping , may have existed as long as a million years ago.
Ahnost a million years ago, saber tooth tigers, giant sloths and other monsters stumbled into the pits where they were preserved forever in the sticky tar.
One particular transposon first appeared about a million years ago. And by seeing where these sequences now sit, scientists can get a sense of the size of the breeding population back then.
A handful of Africa's unique island mammal families that were present 26 million years ago are absent from sites younger than Mush.
在比 Mush更年轻的遗址中,不少2600万年前只属于非洲大陆的哺乳科动物消失了。
This gigantic boa constrictor, like a snake, lived 60 million years ago in what is now northern Colombia.
Scientists have dated sharp-edged flakes of stone found in the fine-grained sediments of a dry riverbed in the Afar region of Ethiopia to between 2.52 and 2.60 million years ago.
We can make a very good estimate from the fossil record that humans probably evolved naked skin around a million and a half years ago.
Quartz is quartz—a silicon ion surrounded by four oxygen ions—there's no difference at all between two-million-year-old Pleistocene quartz and Cambrian quartz created over 500 million years ago.
An iridium-enriched sediment layer and a large impact crater in the Yucatn provide evidence that a large meteorite struck Earth about 65 million years ago.
About 160 million years ago, a female pterosaur with an injured wing dropped from the sky into a watery grave.
What you're seeing on this page is an interaction that occurred a few hundred million years ago, as the lower galaxy (UGC 1813) dived through the outside arms of the upper one (UGC 1810).
本页所展示的图片就是这两个星系在几亿年前相互作用的情景,下方的星系ugc 1813正伸手去勾上方的UGC 1810星系外露的胳膊。
The Quaternary glaciation started just a few million years ago – and is still going on.
The volcano made it above that surface only a million or so years ago, since when the island has grown to about 100 square kilometres.
The hominids, in contrast, are only newly African, our ancestors having arrived on the continent from Eurasia a mere ten million years ago.
Linden says it's because we're still using a communication system developed 600 million years ago by jellyfish.
The nebula lies about 5,800 light-years from Earth and is home to a cluster of relatively young stars born about eight million years ago.
One hundred and twenty million years ago, when a Cretaceous sea covered what is now South Australia, an ichthyosaur had a really bad day.
A couple million years ago, mammoths migrated north from Africa to colonize Eurasia. Sometime around then a massive ice age kicked in—and it was stay warm or die.
Eventually this was acquired by Yahoo for 850 million dollars a couple of years ago.
I recently met a paleoclimatologist who explained that until a mere 40 million years ago Antarctica was warm and leafy.
Located 5, 800 light-years from Earth in the Centaurus constellation, this nebula is a stellar nursery of new star clusters born from a cloud 8 million years ago.
This tiny mite climbed onto a spider's back at least 44 million years ago, but the spider stumbled into a glob of sticky tree SAP.
After the dinosaurs were wiped out by a massive meteor strike 65 million years ago, tiny mammals ruled the Earth.
After the dinosaurs were wiped out by a massive meteor strike 65 million years ago, tiny mammals ruled the Earth.