To some extent we can tell whether you're solving a moral dilemma versus something else.
I thought it was very impressive that he put that on page one of the book because it puts the reader in a moral dilemma.
His latest experiment offers a new twist on the 'trolley problem,' a moral dilemma that philosophers have contemplated for decades.
Another group was given a description of this moral dilemma, and was then asked to predict whether or not they would cheat for each question.
The moral dilemma was posed by a team of Michigan State University researchers in a first-of-its-kind study published in the research journal Emotion.
In Iris Murdoch's novels there is often a "trapped" pattern, in which the typologized characters vividly show the moral dilemma.
Moral internalization of contemporary college students is a prominent dilemma of the colleges in our country.
Based on a contrast between deontic paradox and moral paradox, argue that moral paradox is not a strictly logical paradox, but a moral quasi-paradox dilemma.
Many reasons may cause a principal part to fall into moral dilemma: without free will, existence of plural moral value standards, the conflict between moral values, etc.
Whether South Africa could get out of the historical and realistic dilemma is up to the repositioning of race relations and the establishment of a new moral principle.
Whether South Africa could get out of the historical and realistic dilemma is up to the repositioning of race relations and the establishment of a new moral principle.