Governments have at least a moral obligation to answer these questions.
The new law was also born of a moral obligation to make up for past mistakes.
To her, reporting was far more than a job - she saw it as a moral obligation.
And we do feel that we have a moral obligation to them, to resettle them here in Australia.
The sons and daughters all consider it a moral obligation to look after their parents.
Isn't it a moral obligation of a club to take care of their players when they are at their most vulnerable?
But I believe the United States has a unique responsibility to act — indeed, we have a moral obligation.
We all know whatever said before the 'but' was a moral obligation. It also makes your apology sound artificial.
No doubt for some it is vanity or guilt, but I sense most feel a moral obligation to give back and make a difference.
When someone shares something of value with you and you benefit from it, you have a moral obligation to share it wi! th others.
当有人把有价值的东西分享给你,而你又从中得到利益时,你有一份道德义务分享给其他人, 不是吗?
"Victorians rightly feel they have a moral obligation to stop racism in its tracks when it rears its ugly head in our country," he said.
I felt I had almost a moral obligation as a Chinese-American writer to let the rest of the world know what happened. And I felt a kind of urgency.
Remember that our human resources is our greatest asset and improving the value of our associates is a moral obligation and also material benefit to our organizations.
We have a moral obligation to lead with integrity, ' said City Councilwoman Shelley Midura, who is among those who pushed for the creation of the office of inspector general.
Though there's no contractual obligation for Radcliffe to only take jobs that are of the Harry Potter nature while he's doing those films, there is a moral obligation on the young actor.
Is it any less compelling a moral obligation, in the name of all children now and in the future, to report that we are on track to hand over a planet that may be destroyed for generations to come?
Other times, he seemed full of regret, explaining his failure to surrender or escape as his way of fulfilling "a moral obligation to stay" with the colonel before adding, "My courage failed me."
Other times, he seemed full of regret, explaining his failure to surrender or escape as his way of fulfilling "a moral obligation to stay" with the colonel before adding, "My courage failed me.
According to Cynthia Pury, a psychologist at Clemson University, Pedeleose's story proves the point that courage is not motivated by fearlessness, but by moral obligation.
I realize that there are different views of morality and we could go down a very slippery slope discussing them. So, decide upon what you consider "moral duty and obligation" before reading further.
Pedro Sanchez: we both have a moral as well as an economic obligation to wipe out this extreme hunger in the next 20 years.
We owe them a debt of honor, and it is our moral obligation to ensure they receive our support for as long as they live as proud veterans of the United States Armed Forces.
And to give it a name I propose to call it a categorical obligation in order to distinguish it from the purely prudential obligation involved in pre moral contractual relationships.
This is not just a new economic program. It is an obligation, an obligation based on shared moral and social values.
Congress has a moral and legal obligation to oversee institutions it brings into existence.
Congress has a moral and legal obligation to oversee institutions it brings into existence.