That man has been on our most wanted list for over a year now. He is a primary suspect in multiple murder cases and violent robberies.
Besides finding out what kind of wife a Chinese man seeks, I also wanted to know how most Chinese people get to know their husband or wife.
Then one of the police officers walked over to the woman, who was still crying, and said, "the city owes you a big" thank you. "That man has been on our most wanted list for over a year now."
A large number of people rushed to the site after they received reports that the world's most wanted man was killed.
And they hunted down and killed a man known as Dulmantin, who had long been on Indonesia's most-wanted list, suspected of being involved in a 2002 attack on the island of Bali.
A man who allegedly stole five fowl from a top magistrate in India has been put on the police's most wanted list.
A man who allegedly stole five fowl from a top magistrate in India has been put on the police's most wanted list.