With romances and dramas, it doesn’t really matter if you see them in the theater or on TV and“My Mother Cries a River”will probably be on cable TV within a few weeks anyway.
This system explains why a child parted from his or her mother becomes frantic, searches wildly or cries uncontrollably until he or she re-establishes contact with her.
Steven: Umm…you know, this“My Mother Cries a River”might not be that bad after all.
When her mother has to go Laura is pained, cries a little, then quietly recovers and sits with pursed lips.
Margaret: I had my hopes set on seeing "my Mother Cries a River" -it's a French movie that got wonderful reviews.
Patient's mother: Doctor, my child has had a succession of choking fits for three days. I have also found a peculiar noise in her throat when she cries.
Some thought that a baby cries more during the afternoon accounting it to the anxiousness of the mother or the stressed mood of the father after going home from work.
I wrote that I could still hear the cries of my sisters when we were told my mother was taken into a cellar and shot by the guerrillas for what they called disloyalty - the escape of her children.
Alarmed by the cries of a small rabbit not far from being harvested, her mother anxiously rush over, : "Sisi, well-behaved!"
Alarmed by the cries of a small rabbit not far from being harvested, her mother anxiously rush over, : "Sisi, well-behaved!"