"You have missed a bit," interrupts Jane, who now knows the story better than her mother.
She knows what a tidy woman mother is, and how clean she keeps the cottage.
They will cry a great deal encouraging mother to do what she knows best: provide a soothing bottle of milk — which only compounds the problem.
In the case of Suzanne, neither her father, who works as an emergency room physician, nor her mother, who works as a registered nurse, knows about her new job.
Every working mother who has enjoyed a peaceful cup of coffee at work knows what I'm talking about.
A mother of two writer Trisha Creekmore knows all too well what goes on during pregnancy.
A mother of two, writer Trisha Creekmore knows all too well what goes on during pregnancy.
Mrs. Geng said that Dai Ailian is the "Mother of Chinese Modern Dance", a great lady, and almost everybody knows about her in China. She herself admires Dai Ailian whole-heartedly.
Jack always wants to give his mother a surprise, because he knows his mother has done so much for the family.
We watch a movie at first, when it is finished, Susan's mother is making dinner, then Susan comes to help her mother, she knows how to do the work.
As the child grows up, he fails to understand such a behavior of his mother and he understands it, only after he knows about narcissism.
Mary: Prepare a list, mother. I can go to the small stores. Everyone there knows me.
To be honest, I have no idea how to make a cloth while my mother does, and she knows that I am willing to buy one produced by an cloth factory rather than to make one on my own.
As any mother knows, keeping your children occupied during a lengthy trip to the shops can be no mean feat.
Blessed is the mother who knows how to comfort, for she shall inherit a child's devotion.
Because only mother can breastfeed, a baby always knows who is the person he loves the most. Nannies, babysitters, and daycare workers are no substitute for a nursing mom.
Mother told me that music is very beautiful and a person who knows it will be happy all life.
Emma knows how to meet her selfish desire with various ways, but she completely lacks the responsibility as a mother.
Linda Miller, a mother of three in London, knows all about such pressure.
Though my mother sometimes complains, she doesn't mean it seriously, because she knows my father plays a good role in the family.
Mothers need to be praised. A mother who knows she is valued can handle almost anything.
For running after a toddler, for understanding a moody teenager, for tolerating a college student who knows everything? For waiting for the day when a daughter realizes her mother really is?
For running after a toddler, for understanding a moody teenager, for tolerating a college student who knows everything? For waiting for the day when a daughter realizes her mother really is?