Normally, a natural disaster and the damage it causes can be very severe, especially when you consider the financial and physical losses.
Obviously, there's a tremendous difference between getting rid of possessions and losing them through a natural disaster without having a say in the matter.
It is surely a heavy blow to tourism whether it is a natural disaster or a man-made one.
How much a natural disaster reduces output over the medium term depends on a number of factors.
For example, if the facility closed because of a natural disaster, could the organization divert production?
You can have one in a natural disaster or get one later if you're old or unemployed — but you can't have both.
How can people do such things if God were not at work in them to lend a counterweight to a natural disaster?
The earthquake in Sichuan was a natural disaster. None can bear to face its aftermath, but one must face it.
Arnold says it's usual - after a natural disaster - to expect it to take some time before seeing large scale reconstruction.
But they say the analysis should be a wake-up call for residents to prepare for a natural disaster in earthquake country.
A natural disaster, for example, could well afflict the world in 2009-but just what, when and where defy our crystal ball.
Realacci, head of a parliamentary environment committee , said the agricultural emergency was "verging on a natural disaster".
As a natural disaster, earthquake has inevitably happened since the ancient times and continues to cause damage to human life.
Map, and enterprise inventory data to aid in the logistical management of merchandise in response to a natural disaster such as a hurricane.
Although it's true that some things - like a natural disaster - can't be controlled, parents should still give kids space to share their fears.
In 2000, the HSUS and FEMA signed a partnership agreement to encourage and assist people who want to safeguard their pets during a natural disaster.
In the event of a calamity or a natural disaster like the recent earthquakes, a mobile hospital would be a very good thing to set up on location.
An older woman always carries a purse full of emergency supplies. Young women go hungry and bleed to death every time there's a natural disaster.
That way, if the laptop gets stolen or if there's a natural disaster, you don't even have to think about rescuing it or worry about the information.
The immediate health concerns after the rescue of survivors following a natural disaster are drinking water, food, shelter and medical care for injuries.
Others may feel that compassion means giving up everything for someone else, or simply helping people out in times of need such as a natural disaster.
The loss of a friend, an illness, an accident, a natural disaster, a war, or any failure can make us quickly think that we are no good and are being punished.
"A lot of people working in Guangdong Province want to go back home (for the holiday), and right now there is no way, " Yi said. "It's a natural disaster.
The state's premier, Colin Barnett, released emergency funds by declaring the fires a natural disaster. He praised those who fought to bring them under control.
People don't generally choose to leave their homes immediately after a natural disaster-they leave when they run out of options and have exhausted all hope.
A natural disaster not only leaves a trail of property destruction in its wake, many times it leaves thousands of its victims with a damaged sense of balance.
A natural disaster not only leaves a trail of property destruction in its wake, many times it leaves thousands of its victims with a damaged sense of balance.