One hypothesis is that it's a natural phenomenon, that the starfish naturally undergo population fluctuations following particularly good spawning years.
Diagram 15 shows a natural phenomenon.
It is a natural phenomenon. It needs some outlet.
On the surface, Southwest drought is a natural phenomenon.
Yeah, this season is a natural phenomenon leaves, who CARES that a marginal leaf too!
Water flow, there is a low-lying land can form a pool, which is a natural phenomenon.
We must learn to view change as a natural phenomenon - to anticipate it and to plan for it.
Fog is a natural phenomenon. It usually appears in the morning, so people call it morning fog.
Movement of soil particles from one place to another by wind and water is a natural phenomenon.
Microwave energy is a natural phenomenon that occurs when electric current flows through a conductor.
The 'flowery desert' is a natural phenomenon in which flowers of great diversity appear in July and August.
If a small amount of oil slicks and precipitation, is a natural phenomenon, there is no quality problems.
It's a natural phenomenon - they build relationships over time that lead to one opportunity after the next.
It just as windy, rain, lightning, landslides, volcanic eruptions, often occur on Earth is a natural phenomenon.
This is the growth and development of a natural phenomenon, as the children grew older, will gradually disappear.
The difference between rich and poor is a historic perplexing social subject of talk and is also a natural phenomenon.
Metaphor is a natural phenomenon in language. It's also a way of human life being rooted in language thinking and culture.
Chinese people regard life as a natural phenomenon. As part of the natural life, death is not to be taken as so painful an event.
Geological disaster is a type of natural calamities, which is not only a natural phenomenon but also a social economical phenomenon.
Earthquake is the shake of earth's surface, like wind, rain, lightning, debris flow, volcano's eruption, which is a natural phenomenon.
Dust storms are a natural phenomenon, but are influenced by human activities and are now just as serious as traffic and industrial air pollution.
My uncle is a scientist, but he believes that love is true, love is a natural phenomenon. He believed that love can transcend life and death.
She confirms that "floods have always been a natural phenomenon considering that Bangkok is built on muddy soils, only 1.5 meters above sea level."
Mr Sweet reasoned that DNA represents the physical embodiment of biological information, and that such biological information is a natural phenomenon.
To some extent we're seeing the results of a natural phenomenon, La Nina - a periodic event in which water in the equatorial Pacific becomes cooler than normal.
To some extent we’re seeing the results of a natural phenomenon, La Niña — a periodic event in which water in the equatorial Pacific becomes cooler than normal.
The team theorised that if the circulation of antibiotic-resistance genes was a natural phenomenon, they would find these genes even in this isolated population.
Ever since Han Han made his critical comments on some "masters", he himself has been bombarded by an avalanche of criticisms, which is quite a natural phenomenon.
Ever since Han Han made his critical comments on some "masters", he himself has been bombarded by an avalanche of criticisms, which is quite a natural phenomenon.