It's a necessary condition for many worthwhile things: child care, friendships, etc.
A necessary condition for simple iteration convergence in structural reanalysis is proposed.
LISP is a functional programming language, but that is not a necessary condition for a dynamic language.
Time is thus a necessary condition to achieve the previously stated objectives of arbitrage and cooperation.
A creation of philosophy with global meanings is a necessary condition for China to become a world power.
Indeed, a necessary condition for this crisis to end is the stabilization of home prices in the United States.
A necessary condition to obtain nutrition for maintaining the life activities of the human body is food intake.
Especially in furniture furnishings art elegant choice, is a necessary condition for the entire project highlights.
We have a duty to perform in each of those contexts and to be responsible is a necessary condition of our existence.
Efficiency is achieved and high efficiency filter is a necessary condition, one of which is the most easy to implement.
The standardization of state audit report is a necessary condition for the improvement of the quality of our state audit report.
Sports and exercise can improve the health of human body and man of optimism, but the optimism is a necessary condition of longevity.
As the clothes against the cold, with one of the health is also a necessary condition of human existence, while it is often overlooked.
The need for beauty is the highest demand of human mentality as well as a necessary condition for the formation of perfect personality.
Being able to trace who said what is a necessary condition for building a system of trust, but this is not generally sufficient by itself.
Assimilation of the crustal materials by the mafic magma from the crust is a necessary condition of obtaining s and forming sulfide ores.
How to acquire the competitive advantage in this protean global market place? Timely reaction is of course a necessary condition for survival.
However, the Working Group argues the data centres location is neither a sufficient nor a necessary condition to mitigate infrastructure risks.
So some type of security and guarantees for Morgan Tsvangirai's safety certainly should be a necessary condition for holding a runoff, " she said.
But in this paper, this assumption is no longer a necessary condition, that is, we can control the T-S fuzzy systems with fast time-varying delays.
A necessary condition of Devaney's chaos for cellular automata (CA) is found, then an algorithm is presented to verify which CA satisfy this condition.
However, it is not hard to show that every one of these attributes is at best a necessary condition but not a sufficient condition for a thing to be art.
In a business setting - as in all other social relationships outside the workplace - trust is a necessary condition for effective cooperation within a group.
The relation between the interception factor and signal parameters is deduced. Large time bandwidth (TB) product is a necessary condition for an LPI signal.
Good presenters know that the content (data, evidence, logic) is a necessary condition but not a sufficient condition for a truly world class presentation job.
Well, it's good to know that the senator is capable of revising his theories after he acquires new information, a necessary condition for a truly scientific worldview.
Stable feed flow is the basic factor of ensuring heat and material balance of rotary kiln and it becomes a necessary condition of optimizing calcination technique.
Stable feed flow is the basic factor of ensuring heat and material balance of rotary kiln and it becomes a necessary condition of optimizing calcination technique.