The central African nation of Burundi is a new arrival to the bottom 10.
He celebrated the arrival of the New Year with a bout of drinking that nearly killed him.
The new parking lot has issue a magnetically coded ticket, which indicates time and date of arrival.
Their ambition and confidence is a sign of something new in global business: the arrival in force of emerging-market multinationals.
If the service rate drops below the arrival rate of new work, the server falls behind and new work is queued up until a managed task becomes available to dispatch it.
Others die, and by spring, before the arrival of a new crop of pups, the pack size has often diminished.
But the arrival of seasonal rains has pumped new life into Dolo, a river town on the Ethiopian border that's in an area that was considered a famine zone until last week.
The only signs of self-congratulation are a couple of rows of empty Champagne bottles stacked on some shelves, after being drained to celebrate the arrival of a new licensee.
However with the arrival of Chrome OS and html5 I think we'll soon see new kinds of websites that are more "app-like" and a sub category of those will be adapted to touchscreen devices.
但是,随着ChromeOS和Html 5的到来,我认为我们很快就会看到新的、更像“应用”的网站,而且这类站点的一小部分会被触摸屏设备接纳。
Indeed, for some in this city 30 miles south of Milwaukee, the arrival of a new house, built from the ground up by local contractors, is reason to rejoice.
BP also fired the head of its exploration division and said it is undergoing a big reorganisation of its safety operations ahead of the arrival of Robert Dudley, its new boss, on October 1st.
Berridge says the "ding" announcing a new E-mail or the vibration that signals the arrival of a text message serves as a reward cue for us.
The arrival of a new type of investor is big news for startups, because there used to be only two and they rarely competed with one another.
Krishna told reporters on arrival Wednesday that his visit marks a new beginning in the efforts to improve strained relations.
The arrival of a new version of the exemplar models may trigger widespread propagation of the new features, thus affecting all repository models.
This publication is equivalent to the entry of a new book in the library catalog at the time of arrival.
It does not announce its presence or arrival in a new country with a sudden explosion of patients seeking medical care or requiring hospitalization.
We can go to take a look at the new arrival at Baleno, have dinner, and then see the ballet.
On a recent visit to Lampedusa, the island overwhelmed by the arrival of North African refugees, he declared that the parched outcrop would become a new Capri and announced he would buy a villa there.
A registry is like a library card catalog, used for recording the arrival of new books and other media, and looking up existing items.
Prince Charles pronounced himself "still here" and "alive" Wednesday on his arrival at the White House for a visit showing off his new bride, Camilla.
This includes the arrival of a new and exciting programming model specification that is backed by IBM and a number of other vendors: the Service Component Architecture (SCA).
令人兴奋的是,一种新的编程模型规范——服务组件体系结构 (SCA)已经制定出来了,该规范得到了IBM和许多其他供应商的支持。
But in the late nineteenth century, that panoply of possibilities began to fall away with the arrival of a totally new kind of material - celluloid, the first man-made plastic.
The Mountain View-based company took the unusual step of announcing its latest product on the Labor day holiday after it prematurely sent out a comic book drawn up to herald the new browser's arrival.
OVER the past decade the world's corporate pecking order has been disturbed by the arrival of a new breed of plucky multinationals from the emerging world.
OVER the past decade the world's corporate pecking order has been disturbed by the arrival of a new breed of plucky multinationals from the emerging world.