The boy with a white hat has a new comer. Some students played a trick on him.
As a new comer, I fully aware that I short in experience and should make constant study and practice.
A man was put into the jail because of murder. In the prison he asked a new comer why he was sent there.
Since your friend is a new comer to our hotel, please inform her that she must register when she comes in.
Somebody fired at me, cause my price is at least 20 % cheaper than the others' and I am a new comer in this field.
He was curious about that, why not explain? She was a new comer here, it was reasonable for her to make some mistakes.
As a new comer to China, Gildan is not well known by most of the people. First, could you please give some introduction on Gildan company?
Mary was a new comer and she felt ill at ease in the new school, so the teacher tried to draw her out of her shell by asking her to talk about her former school.
This young community was a new comer in the realm of art, but their era and what they possess are quite a departure from that of their seniors, especially in Shanghai.
He was thrilled to be doing the comedy that he always felt he should do, but even during his last few years, he always had a sense of curiosity, wondering what new role or challenge might be just around the comer.
The new-comer leaned gracefully upon the bar, and recited many tales with the confidence of a bard who has come upon a new field.
To which it must be added that every new-comer from France reported himself and his tidings at Tellson's, almost as a matter of course.
As a new-comer to her company, she pays attention to the details.
Absrtact: Proposed a new image retrieval method using comer detection.
Sorry. The person in charge of your company's supplies is a new-comer, so... We'll resend the products to you very soon.
He took the name of Cogia Houssain, and, as a new-comer, was, according to custom, extremely civil and complaisant to all the merchants his neighbours.
Characters of the latter's dentition clearly demonstrate that the new-comer of ratufin is a tree squirrel;
Characters of the latter's dentition clearly demonstrate that the new-comer of ratufin is a tree squirrel;