Organizations have had legitimate and pressing reasons to shift to a new paradigm of employer-employee relations.
A new paradigm for using computers and the web.
Services computing is a new paradigm of distributed computing.
Agile software development introduces a new paradigm into software engineering.
A new paradigm of investigating the environment consequences of urban texture is proposed.
"Micro-RNAs are clearly emerging as a new paradigm in gene regulation," said Govindarajan.
This is where a new paradigm such as service-oriented architecture (SOA) would be introduced.
It becomes the essence of new industrial structure and a new paradigm of industrial organization.
In the last few years, Information Technology (IT) has embarked on a new paradigm - cloud computing.
John Ziman's model of post-academic science is a new paradigm to describe the social image of real science.
It's a new paradigm for computing which affects everyone, and with it come gargantuan business opportunities.
It is very necessary with a new paradigm of oral history to write history of martial arts and research on it.
To test for this preference for information, which is a cognitive reward, a new paradigm needed to be put in place.
Various growth theories of enterprise existed are not perfect. The Life Model of enterprise is a new paradigm.
She asserted that she was creating a new paradigm, and if I was going to help her, I needed to think more creatively.
And judging from our current levels of employee disengagement and distrust, America could use a new paradigm too.
"It's an anomaly, so contrary to their expectation that it makes them receptive to a new paradigm for the U.S.," Mr. Kull said.
This means moving from a paradigm of the different parts of your life being in conflict to a new paradigm where they all cooperate.
The adoption of information technologies in supply chain system became a new paradigm in integrated value added information system.
Mobile Ah Hoc networks is a new paradigm of wireless mobile networks temporarily formed by each-connected nodes for some special purpose.
That is, there needs a new paradigm of educational policy for the new problems in the new social background and the new policy environment.
Supervenience is a new paradigm in contemporary western philosophy of mind, which has attracted close attention and has been highly valued.
Referencing regional school planning typologies, the design of the classroom structure transforms the standard model to create a new paradigm.
That's a new paradigm and anyone who thinks they can predict its future may be a bigger fool than the 69% of people who admitted they couldn't.
这是个全新的模式。所有认为自己能预测t witter未来的人恐怕都是自作聪明——还比不上那69%呢。
That's a new paradigm and anyone who thinks they can predict its future may be a bigger fool than the 69% of people who admitted they couldn't.
这是个全新的模式。所有认为自己能预测t witter未来的人恐怕都是自作聪明——还比不上那69%呢。