New champions will rise from these ashes, ones who may not now be apparent, and a new path forward will appear.
Mr Levin hopes that new skills will give workers a path forward.
And after years of delay, it's time to find a path forward on a new treaty that verifiably ends the production of fissile materials for nuclear weapons — ends it once and for all.
We has brought forward a new method of analysing amplifier current path, and has got the equation of Alternating load line directly.
Because no one knows how the disease is incurred or spreads, this new information is critical and establishes a clear path for investigations to move forward.
This thesis puts forward a new method and implementation for the Path PlanningProblem based on ACOA (Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm).
The paper puts forward a new modified simulated annealing algorithm, which is used for mobile robot path planning.
Based on the study of calculating approaches of fuzzy network, this paper puts forward a new method to calculate the parameters and determine the critical path of fuzzy network planning.
Given a little thought it would be seen that progress towards Ascension cannot go forward by leaps and bounds, until the new path is opened up.
To avoid the pattern being distorted in the process of numerical control sculpting on a complex surface, a new method is put forward to generate the tool-path of engraving on the surface.
On the basis of the shortage of general network path is introduced, combine the working characteristics of passive network, put forward a new routing mode that link is built in a cluster.
In this paper we bring forward a new resource detection algorithm based on ant colony algorithm. It takes account of certain factors such as path load, delay and finds lowest cost resources.
In this paper we bring forward a new resource detection algorithm based on ant colony algorithm. It takes account of certain factors such as path load, delay and finds lowest cost resources.