Both directories have files to be updated to create a new tool.
Some policymakers are reaching for a new tool: behavioural economics.
Before deciding to create a new tool, you should also consider writing a plug-in for GIMP.
Xobni, based in San Francisco, is introducing a new tool on Monday that plugs into Outlook.
A hundred years on, detectives have a new tool at their disposal in the form of DNA matching.
The IBM Rational Method Composer (RMC) is a new tool designed to build custom delivery processes.
IBMRationalMethod Composer (RMC)是一款为建建定制交付过程而设计的新工具。
The Message broker Explorer is a new tool to facilitate the administration of broker environments.
NOTE: in Lotus Notes 8.0.1, a new tool was added to view all the wires in your application at once.
If you want your organization to move to a new tool, choose a time when team members have some flexibility.
It has become a new tool of communication, a new media, and a new mass culture, and a new platform of VR.
This only creates a new GIMP core, which does nothing yet; it has to be integrated into a new tool and registered.
Science is different in this respect: when a new tool, technique, or theory wins out, people see that as progress.
I found that when an organization acquires a new tool, the people using the tool feel obligated to try to use it all.
Attempting to deploy a new tool without retraining team members on the modified process can lead to negative situations.
"This gives artists and fans a new tool to build that relationship to a level that hasn't been possible before," he added.
Please keep in mind that before creating a new tool, you must review the functionality that already exists in the program.
However, one thing aviators will not be getting is a new tool for conducting cyber warfare against enemy information networks.
Now the IT Department at Consolidated Powerworks has an answer for Easy Demand's performance problem-a new tool called Moonlight.
I recommend that you make liberal use of the stalwart man command any time you're confused or simply want to learn about a new tool.
我建议您使用强大的 man命令获取帮助信息,或者通过它了解新工具。
Scientists will today give Banks a new tool for gauging the money-making prowess of financial traders - the lengths of their fingers.
It's just as likely that you'll use a new tool to reinforce bad habits and old broken processes as you will to improve your organization.
Thermo is a new tool that Adobe is working on which helps designers to be more integrated into the development of Rich Internet Applications.
The fine lines between journalism, blogging, and writing a book have just become even more blurred thanks to a new tool called Anthologize.
"We never had that level of segmentation before," Schultz says. "It's a new tool in terms of being able to move the business in different ways."
Maps for the rest of the world will be out by the end of 2010—providing a complete picture of this wormy world of ours. And a new tool to tackle it.
Google fired back later in the day, announcing it had reached a similar deal with Twitter and by demonstrating a new tool for searching social networks.
But I, like many, believe social media is just a new tool that's making PR more effective - and weeding out the truly great PR executives from the not-so-great.
But I, like many, believe social media is just a new tool that's making PR more effective - and weeding out the truly great PR executives from the not-so-great.