With a news story, news stations tell you what they feel are the important details .
If you find a news story that you know is fake, the most important advice is: don't share it!
I was hoping to say "journalist", but researchers are already developing algorithms that can gather facts and write a news story.
It is like someone breaking an embargo on a news story.
I'd say to them, if I log your tapes, could I try doing a news story?
It can alert media to an event and serve as the basis of a news story.
When is the last time you've heard Laos or Oman mentioned in a news story?
For homework, students will write a news story in the same way as we did in class.
A child watching a news story about a bombing on a bus or a subway might worry, "Could I be next?"
My family isn't finished picking at me when I read a news story that gets me picking away at myself.
Dr Patterson likens parallel programming to having ten reporters each write a paragraph of a news story.
Of course, there are broadcasting licenses, but they are not gained or lost by the publication of a news story.
I have sometimes caught the news on the car radio and found myself upset and angry when I have heard a news story.
Once you bring up a news story, you can also easily share it with your Twitter and Facebook friends right from within the app.
According to a news story, if global warming continues, in 20 years the only chance we'll have to see a polar bear is in a zoo.
I was hoping to say "journalist," but researchers are already developing algorithms that can gather facts and write a news story.
For example, if you've heard them talking about big news stories in the past, you could try to talk about a news story from today.
For example, if you've heard them talking about big news stories in the past, you could try to talk about a news story from today.
You may get a fantastic position working as a producer, editor, or journalist, for example, or you may be the subject of a news story.
Even for me, who fully knows an AD from a news story, seeing Clinton's smiling face when I've come to read the news can be rather jarring.
Similarly, a page representing a news story might only change a couple of times in its life, so there is no need to regenerate it on every request.
That's a bit of twist on what people usually mean when they say a news story was "broken by Twitter" - i.e., Twitter was the first place it appeared.
One day I happened to be covering a news story with a reporter from WABC and I asked if they were hiring and he said there was an opening for a 3 a.m. shift.
A news story is composed of an anchorperson shot and a news footage shot, we can segment a news video into several stories if we know when the anchorperson shows up.
A news story is composed of an anchorperson shot and a news footage shot, we can segment a news video into several stories if we know when the anchorperson shows up.