Sometimes its better to just have a ghost, a murder mystery, and a nice cup of tea.
Fauna: Now, come to have a nice cup of tea, dear. I'm sure it will work out somehow.
What could be more domestic, more unremarkable, more 'British' than a nice cup of tea?
Anyone who has used that comforting phrase 'a nice cup of tea' invariably means Indian tea.
There isn't any crisis they believe can't be solved with a nice cup of tea, and perhaps a biscuit.
You want to go 'ome and' ave a nice cup of tea and a lay down quiet like; then you'll feel ever so much better.
The problem here lies with the agency in charge of supplying the staff in the first place - personality fit and a nice cup of tea should be top of the list.
I recommend the first option -waking a little earlier -as it's nice to be able to have a nice cup of tea or coffee with your breakfast, relaxing before the rush of the day starts.
What they found is that the process for making heavyweight stars is "reassuringly familiar, like a nice cup of tea," according to team member Melvin Hoare of the UK's University of Leeds.
It may not be entirely scientific to suggest, but a nice cup of tea and a slice of honey-soaked baklava (containing omega-3 rich nuts of course) might be the perfect snack after a healthy dinner.
How about going to get a cup of tea, and we can have a nice chat.
Especially if it is a nice day out, go outside and read a book, watch the clouds, have a cup of tea, or just sit and enjoy being outside.
Sounds good to me! I could use a nice drink. A cup of tea would hit the spot.
No, thank you, I don't smoke but a cup of tea would be nice. And now, let me hear more about the problem of insurance.
Today, I decided to chill out with a nice cup of chamomile tea while listening to jazz on my laptop and laying on the sofa.
This feature is very nice when you would like to make a cup of tea or just need a cup of hot water you can get it from this machine and it is very convenient.
This feature is very nice when you would like to make a cup of tea or just need a cup of hot water you can get it from this machine and it is very convenient.