A numerical code for solving these coupled equations is designed.
Essentially, Soundex algorithms function by mapping each letter of a given alphabet to a numerical code representing its phonetic group.
Since transaction types are identified by two - or three-bit numerical or character code, a large company or small business needs to associate a business transaction category for each type.
The ISIN code is a 12-character alpha-numerical code that serves for uniform identification of a security at trading and settlement.
IS IN编码是一个包含12个字符的字母数字编码,用于在交易和结算时统一标识证券。
Prior to 1955, Mullard used a purely numerical code for encoding the tube type, but then adopted the code change as listed here after that.
As you select a character, it is shown on the lower right, along with its numerical code.
An interface based on NC codes for processing simulation is built by analyzing numerical system and NC codes, a general idea of code translation is developed.
The numerical simulation of three dimensional flows in a steam turbine stage with four different curved stators is completed using commercially available CFD code NUMECA in this paper.
A two-dimension simulation code SHMG for the nonintercepting gridded electron gun design is presented in this paper, the numerical analysis model and the experimental results are also described.
A numerical simulation of the experiment on rock with preexisted cracks under compression is presented by using a rock failure process analysis code, RFPA2D.
Companies were all assigned a numerical Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code (now North American industry Classification System, or NAICS) identifying which industry sector they fit in to.
If you want the book to be categorized, either by a bookseller or a library, it has to be assigned a unique numerical code, like an ISBN, for International Standard book Number.
By using a numerical shooting code, the governing equation is solved. It is shown that the presence of the temperature gradient makes the stabilization effect of FLR stronger.
This paper introduces the MSP430 SCM, vision driving of the CH452 numerical code tube and the control chip of keyboard scanning, and designs a kind of keyboard plan.
As far as I know the match abundant numerical code square is a digital product chain-like marketing platform has the branch store in the domestic many places.
As far as I know the match abundant numerical code square is a digital product chain-like marketing platform has the branch store in the domestic many places.