In western society, we have at least two official names, a given name and a surname.
It sounded like a poor excuse for a job, traveling with a no-name band as their official paparazzo.
There is also a forum titled "MBA (Need official name)" which will likely be the discussion home for the newly redesigned MacBook Air.
还有一个名为“MBA(需要官方命名)”的论坛,看样子像是个新款重新设计的MacBook Air 提供的讨论区。
In Western Society we have at least two official names, a given name and a surname.
But many who have gone through the switch say a name change sends an important message to the world, a message solidified and made official with a court's approval.
They were known here as Arshad Khan and Tareq Khan, although one police official said that Arshad was not the man's real name and that he carried a fake identity card.
I did a lot of writing the other week. By which I mean I signed my name a dozen times on some official papers.
Originally the forward slashes at the front of the URLs, the official name given to web addresses, have to be written in otherwise a page won't load.
Contains a name component which indicates that the referent has a particular role or position in society, such as an official title or rank.
Also USES a search engine for checking official domain name availability on the Internet.
The fossil is of a lemur-like animal which was nicknamed Ida, while the official name is Darwinius masillae because the creature is a proof that confirms the Theory of Evolution by Charles Darwin.
化石长得有点像狐猴,科学家们把它叫做“艾达”,至于它的正式名称则是Darwiniusmasillae (达尔文的梅塞尔猿),因为这一生物是查尔斯达尔文的进化论的有力证明。
Mario Giro, a Sant'Egidio official, says it is now doing mediation work in “Darfur, Ivory Coast, north Uganda and two other places outside Africa I cannot name”.
If you want to provide a hyphenated element name (such as official-name) or add namespace support, simply surround the element name in quotes.
如果您想提供一个以连字符链接的元素名称的话(诸如official - name),又或者想要添加名称空间支持的话,只要给元素名称加上引号就可以了。
The pathogen that has seized the world's attention has an official name (swine-origin influenza A H1N1), an acronym (S-OIV), a nickname (swine flu) and an apparent birthplace (Mexico).
受到全球关注的这种病原体有正式的命名(猪源性流感病毒A H1N1)、缩写(S-OIV)、俗名(猪流感)和明确的来源(墨西哥)。
The prisoners stand in rows until a Vietnamese official calls their name.
You must have a Chinese name for official use during your stay in Taiwan (the name will be used on your student ID card), and your Chinese name must remain consistent.
The official name of the Battle of the Brains is the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest. It began in nineteen seventy at Texas A and M University.
I find it easiest to mimic the pattern of structure declaration used in the official DDK, so I declared this device extension as a structure with a tag as well as a type and pointer-to-type name.
很容易模仿在正式的DD K种使用的结构声明的模式,所以我把这个设备扩展名声明称一个结构,伴随标签和类型以及类型指针名称。
If people want a name change today, they usually have to go to the courthouse to make it official.
A letter from you with the official company's heading is needed, in which you name two persons of confidence, together with a specimen of their signature.
Mbah Gotho, whose "official name" is Sodimejo, lives with his grandson in a town called Sragen within Indonesia's Central Java province.
As with any partitioning scheme, anything could be in the partitions that have an official looking name or that claim to have a given type.
The airport employees and the customs officials are friendly and couteous. A custom official by the name of Sam can speak "Thank you" in many different languages including Mandarin.
We put official website user name in 'remarks'. But Bank may leave a space when register. Pls note there's no space in user name.
We put official website user name in 'remarks'. But Bank may leave a space when register. Pls note there's no space in user name.