Our debates possess'd me so fully of the subject, that I wrote and printed an anonymous pamphlet on it, entitled "The Nature and Necessity of a Paper Currency."
A recent Treasury research paper admitted that there was no fail-safe method to estimate the correct value of a currency.
Of course, to guard against inflation it would be far better to anchor a currency to a tradable index of real things than to paper currencies.
It TOOK Johan Palmstruch, a flawed genius as irritating as he was enchanting, five years to fulfil his dream of a freely circulating paper currency.
约翰尼·帕姆斯丘奇(Johan Palmstruch)是个有瑕疵的天才,既恼人又迷人。他用了五年时间实现了他的梦想:纸币自由流通。
Most people judge currencies on a relative basis. This is a very poor measure of the value of a currency since it doesn't take into account the total destruction of paper money in the last 100 years.
Over the years we've been saying that when gold rises against all paper currencies, you'll know the bull market is real because it's not just a currency reaction.
The softer the currency in a foreigh country, the harder the toilet paper. John Fountain.
The paper presents a chronology of the Argentine Currency Crises since 1970 and analyzes the present economic condition of Argentina.
The currency mismatch currency is important in this paper, and with more serious mismatch, it pose a threat to the economics and financial system in China.
This paper tries to construct a simple framework based on monetary approach, which adding currency substitution as variable, and test it by relative data in China.
Empirical analysis in China shows that the real estate price has a strong correlation with housing price and currency supplies. This paper concludes that controlling credit scale is one of th...
And for a country where more than 90 percent of daily transactions are estimated to take place in cash, the shift away from paper currency is a huge task.
The whole Fang family had traveled on empty-handed. Only a sum of two or three thousand dollars in paper currency sewn in Mrs. Fang's padded cotton jacket had gone undetected by the two soldiers.
This paper has designed and programmed a set of commonly-used currency data conversion algorithm, which can convert the currency data from Arabic numerals into those of Chinese characters.
This paper has designed and programmed a set of commonly-used currency data conversion algorithm, which can convert the currency data from Arabic numerals into those of Chinese characters.