The key thing, though, is that users get to choose how locked in they are to a particular solution.
Cloning: Taking an enterprise architecture process template and cloning it to a process model that is part of a particular solution.
After all, even though you modify a process model for a particular solution, in most cases that does not mean that you want to change your enterprise standard.
Because the surface structure and parameters are different among each thread of varied type, we have to work out a particular solution to determine each single thread region for each type.
Most agree that the solution is to push doctors to accept fixed payments to care for a particular illness or for a patient's needs over a year.
This facilitates starting out with a common and consistent way of naming and relating the various elements of the solution, without any dependency on a particular technology or platform.
A large or complex solution requires particular attention to testing if there is to be a smooth transition into production.
Apparently, aside from some informal plans to rely on churches and neighbors to get people out, the city had not come up with a solution to that particular challenge in time for Katrina.
With an ESB-centric integration solution on the other hand, the COBOL program has no knowledge of the particular messaging or even that it is talking to a distributed platform.
The way we want to describe a solution to a particular problem in front of us, and the tools we have for expressing that solution, often do not align perfectly.
Each of the models exists at a particular level of abstraction, highlighting certain aspects of the solution while leaving out details that are unimportant at that moment.
The champions of SOA know full well that success comes from focusing the solution on a particular problem and solving it well.
Finding that a particular resource level produces optimum flow through the business model may turn out to not be the optimum solution once the model is transformed.
Many developers believe concurrency demands elaborate mechanisms, and difficult threading code in particular, for a proper solution.
So when I have a pure water solution, the total pressure is going to be the same as the vapor pressure of water at a particular temperature Let's take temperature fixed at some value.
The example from this article illustrates all of those aspects, but a particular integration solution could have only of them.
本文中的示例将展示这 3 个方面,但一个特定的集成解决方案可能只包含其中一个方面。
A crude solution is to add a field to the event bean containing the primary keys of all clients attending that particular event.
That is, we need to first customize UML to model an SOA solution architecture, and then we need to use a particular modeling style to produce models that can be translated to Web services.
In particular, I need a solution for objects that can be created at arbitrary points in the execution of the application, outside of the Spring container's control.
A powerful, flexible security solution for enterprise software, with a particular emphasis on applications that use Spring.
Together with DigestSearch's ability to instantly find a particular keyword, it could become an unbeatable solution.
The ReiserFS development team is aware of this particular problem and has identified its cause, and you should expect a solution to be included in ReiserFS 4, if not sooner.
As Ajax matures, we expect that sometimes Ajax will be the better solution to a particular problem, and sometimes Flash will be the better solution.
Surfpoeten comes a DIY solution for home Cup-watchers driven to distraction by the stadium horns: a software filter that selectively mutes the particular frequency of the vuvuzela.
Using music to relax when dwelling on a particular problem then, may not only elevate your mood - but could help you reach that "a-ha" moment and find a solution.
Only the solution architect can decide what level of coupling is tolerable for a particular system.
Configure and deploy: Configure an abstract declaration of a solution for a particular runtime topology and deploy it, creating the necessary runtime artifacts.
A design pattern is a solution to a problem within the context of a particular architecture and framework; it reflects a way of doing things that bears repeating.
The key motivation is to implement a solution to a particular requirement as quickly as possible and avoid having to rediscover the best approach every time.
The key motivation is to implement a solution to a particular requirement as quickly as possible and avoid having to rediscover the best approach every time.