There is a pencil-case and some books.
What's in your schoolbag? A pencil-case and many books.
I take the smallest possible knapsack, containing a map, a notebook, money, a pen, a pencil in case the pen lets me down, plasters for blisters, my door-keys.
If I, Pencil, were the only item that could offer testimony on what men and women can accomplish when free to try, then those with little faith would have a fair case.
And to do that, you should carry around a little pencil and paper all day, and each time you feel the impulse (in this case, to react with anger), mark down a tally.
There are some books, some copybooks and a pencil case in her tummy.
The fifth button is for you to sing, case, slightly press pencil lead can become a microphone, let you go out to relax from the job, can get a kind of unspeakable joy.
I have a beautiful pencil case, the inside of the study are colorful, there is a blue rubber, three white pen, a black ball point pen, have a pink ruler and two green pencil, I like them very much!
The pencil case contains pencils, a pencil sharpener and an eraser.
What's in your pencil-case? A pen, three pencils and an eraser.
He was worried to say that what happened to you? I said my pencil case was left at home He thought for a moment and said that I could give you my pencil but I only had one.
What's in your pencil-case?A pen, three pencils and an eraser.
This pencil case is not the same as other pencil case, its upper right there is a small box, this box is a miniature computer, it can store text information.
The utility model relates to a multipurpose lighting bookshelf which combines an illumination lamp, a bookshelf, a stationery case, a pencil sharpener and abacus beads.
There are some books and a pencil case in my backpack. A football is under my bed.
There are some books and a pencil case in my backpack. A football is under my bed.