He didn't need a pep talk, he needed a friend.
The university president gives the graduates a pep talk.
Mindful of that danger, I will not leave you with noting but a pep talk.
Thee coach gave his team a pep talk at half time, hoping to lead them to victory.
After I lost my first job my Dad took out to dinner and gave me a pep talk, it really cheered me up.
If you are feeling down, sometimes all it takes is a pep talk from your best friend to pick you back up.
Robert Epstein is giving us all a pep talk . "You must work very hard to convince the judges that you're human, " he tells us.
She considered giving up the project, until her son Andrew - who is now the governor of New York State himself - gave her a pep talk.
In a pep talk this month, Mr.Pincus told his company's newcomers that he had set out to build an enduring Internet icon, one that was synonymous with fun.
In a pep talk this month, Mr. Pincus told his company's newcomers that he had set out to build an enduring Internet icon, one that was synonymous with fun.
It's tempting to think that support and encouragement from other people will reassure you, but a often that doesn't work and b often you can't winkle other people into giving you a pep talk.
The coach would have to say something, perhaps give a little pep talk about how to learn from the defeat and move on.
Sometimes giving yourself a little pep talk and saying things such, "I can do this!" or "I'm staying strong" can help you through a rough patch.
A little pep talk reassures me that, whatever others may think, I must not quit trying.
The sale manager gives the salesmen a rousing pep talk before the sale.
Whether you need a confidence-boosting pep talk or advice about building your technical experience — your mentor, your colleagues, and your manager can help.
Stay positive, give yourself a quick pep talk, and before you know it, your brain will be clear.
His gentle introductory tone modulates into a football coach's pregame pep talk.
A large company could easily swamp its networks if thousands of users sign on to hear a CEO's pep talk.
Everyone yells English phrases in unison. It is a great big pep talk, and he sends the crowd home on a high. Then you and I give them weird looks as we walk through parks and deserted corridors.
Everyone yells English phrases in unison. It is a great big pep talk, and he sends the crowd home on a high. Then you and I give them weird looks as we walk through parks and deserted corridors.