When I met you first time I thought you could be a perfect wife to me, then, I told myself I am doing the same mistake again!
This is certainly not to say that you should allow yourself to be treated like a doormat by your wife, but you should keep in mind that there is not one person on this planet who is perfect.
The guy answers, “Look, my wife is up there watching me from the clubhouse. I want to make this a perfect shot.”
Hou Yi besides passes on technique the hunting, all day long with wife in same place, the people all envy this to a perfect match affectionate couples.
He told his wife that she was the most perfect girl in his heart and he didn't want the girl change a thing.
If the husband loves fishing, the wife loves cooking fish and their child just loves eating fish, there surely is a perfect family.
It was a perfect day and there we were, my wife and I, applauding, cheering and then, as always, photographing Will and all his friends as they left the high school field.
She is my wife and your mother, no one loves you more than her. … Son, if you are looking for a perfect mother… I am afraid there is not one out there.
This is a romantic comedy, a 35-year-old man his wife left, then he fell in love with the neighbors, a perfect ideal woman.
A romantic comedy in which a 35-year old man is abandoned by his wife and falls in love with his neighbor, a perfect, ideal woman.
Lives buried with my wife, work hand in hand in Silver Beach, it is the most perfect lives a happy Who is it that you're the funeral Oh?
I like him and his wife; he is so ladylike, and she's such a perfect gentleman.
A woman, on the other hand, is expected by society to be perfect in many roles: Gorgeous woman, dutiful daughter, outstanding career woman, adoring wife, angelic mother.
A romantic comedy in which a 35-year old man is abandoned by his wife and falls in love with his neighbor, a perfect, ideal woman.
A romantic comedy in which a 35-year old man is abandoned by his wife and falls in love with his neighbor, a perfect, ideal woman.