For example, melted (溶解的) cheese has gone through a physical change.
If a material goes through a physical change, it is still the same material.
If a change does not affect the food's chemical composition, we call it a physical change.
This is likely to bring about a physical change to the head, in particular the forehead, will grow larger.
If a physical change like that led to better toolmaking, then its owner would have survived better.
HHMI researchers have now learned that this pairing causes a physical change in the shape of the kinase domain.
Excessive current through the contacts during testing can cause a physical change in the contact area on a microscopic level.
In the process of formation, the material must have received an environmental signal that reflects a change in climate and that can be deciphered by modern physical or chemical means.
We also know that a long time without change or challenge can lead to boredom, and physical and mental strain.
And we all have the innate ability to change how other people perceive us, without a physical transformation of any kind.
Even if virtual keyboards don't displace physical ones in all situations — and they won't — touch screens and haptics may change how we interact with a keyboard — especially on tablets, says Hsu.
Different physical attributes and body types are good for different things - and sometimes the things you did well as a kid can change during puberty.
If you've got physical access to a machine, you can easily change any user passwords by booting into recovery mode.
I left not for physical reasons - I'd had a torn hamstring tendon in 2003, but it hadn't affected my speed - but because it was my season for change.
Music can also be used to change a person's mood, and has been found to cause like physical responses in many people simultaneously.
It's not a license to lie. Schwartz says that we can change our attitudes by changing our physical actions.
We have looked at the medical aspects of runner's high which states that there is definitely a change in a person's physical state caused by the stress of running.
Change the physical state of the audience eg: from sitting around a table to standing around a flipchart.
Change sets represent the physical outcome in terms of the files that are modified as part of completing the work item. Let's have a look at some sample micro-increments.
A logical model may have changed without propagating the change in the physical model or vice versa.
Some, including Dr Riebesell, suspect that these physical and chemical effects of warming may prove a greater driver of productivity change in the ocean than altered ph.
Most of us do a lot of work on the computer, so doing some kind of physical activity for 10 or 15 minutes can be a great way to change our state.
I hope me sharing this technique with you will help some of you to improve your mental and physical wellbeing, and realise what a safe and powerful tool for change hypnosis is.
No, the difficulty lies not in assuming a childs history but in the painful physical act of the change itself.
I. Insomnia can be caused by a variety of conditions including: change, stress, physical pain, trauma, illness, and emotions, PTSD, death of a loved one, or recurrent thoughts.
Eating habits have to change to a much lower calorie intake, much lower body weight, and we would be fitter as a result because we would be able to do more physical activity.
Support the change of roles among primary health care staff from working predominantly with physical disorders to a more holistic approach to health care that incorporates physical and mental health.
The findings have important implications for the promotion of physical activity and support a change in the way gyms operate, the researcher said.
The findings have important implications for the promotion of physical activity and support a change in the way gyms operate, the researcher said.