However, people often find it not easy to build a piece of furniture because they can't understand the instructions.
What a fun and clever way to add color, weight and texture to a piece of furniture.
Such is her state of mind, and the bench is a piece of furniture that understands her.
When he didn't answer, I pushed the door open, dislodging a piece of furniture he had placed behind it.
The way by which colors are applied to a piece of furniture can influence the effect on it very much.
I've never meditated, I'm not interested in conversing with a piece of furniture, and I don't know any party tricks.
How often have we heard of someone who is an excellent employee but treats his or her spouse like a piece of furniture?
A man opened a piece of furniture and a dozen people fell out. How could that be? It was a missing persons bureau.
Bridget grew up in a small town. During her growing-up years she felt like a piece of furniture, moving from place to place.
"Just now, as I was coming hither," replied Jean Valjean, "I saw a piece of furniture in the Rue Saint Louis. It was at a cabinet-maker's.
The assembly line was scrapped in favor of a cellular design that has small teams of workers making a piece of furniture from start to finish.
A "filing cabinet," sometimes called a "file cabinet," is a piece of furniture usually made of wood or metal that has large drawers that are used to hold paper files.
You may agree on the salary for a new position, or you may sell something at the right price. This could be, for example, a house, perhaps, a car, or a piece of furniture.
I wondered whether you could make an object, a building or a piece of furniture where this is not the case — where another power actually dictates the image, "Ruijssenaars said."
This starting point helped us to design a piece of furniture capable of traveling from one end to another of the house and of becoming the main defining element of the space.
Twenty seven percent of us have turned over a cushion to hide a stain, twelve per cent have covered a stained carpet with a piece of furniture and five per cent have swept dirt under a rug.
Hanfeng had not told her that he was no longer playing, even though a rented piano had always been the first piece of furniture to fill an empty apartment in each city he had moved to.
If there is dried blood on any furniture at the scene, the CSI will try to send the entire piece of furniture to the lab. A couch is not an uncommon piece of evidence to collect.
If rocks and debris are approaching, run for the nearest shelter and take cover (if possible, under a desk, table, or other piece of sturdy furniture).
Most office workers spend more time in it than any other piece of furniture except a bed.
The only piece of furniture was a rickety dressing-table with water stains, oil stains, milk stains, black, brown, and white stains, and all kinds of mixed stains.
This bedroom was made for a minimalist – there's not enough room for a dresser, nightstand, or any other piece of furniture.
Yesterday his house was a pile of rubble: collapsed walls and the occasional piece of furniture exposed to the sky.
Many come for the Cyclone, a rickety, wooden, 80-year-old rollercoaster, which has been likened to riding a really dangerous piece of furniture.
Analysts do not explain why they have this or that piece of furniture, even when a patient finds it in bad taste and thus a gross mistake.
Yes, this means that technically you own a tiny sliver of every piece of furniture, every trademark, and every contract of the company.
IKEA strives to give the consumer a great piece of stylish furniture at a great price, which is followed by an immediate interaction with the furniture by putting it together.
If you have to escape before the fire brigade arrives, make a rope by knotting together sheets or similar materials and tie it to a bed or another heavy piece of furniture.
If you have to escape before the fire brigade arrives, make a rope by knotting together sheets or similar materials and tie it to a bed or another heavy piece of furniture.