A plot of land used for the cultivation of flowers, vegetables, herbs, or fruit.
He said, "What they resemble is children living in a plot of land that is not theirs."
I'm looking for a plot of land near home where I could grow a few things like tomatoes and lettuce.
If the liability ratio of a plot of land is too high, we will not acquire it, even if it is a good plot of land.
With a plot of land, four assessment record for the clouds, rain for the hand, every member state is that fat individuals.
When Dadaab opened two decades ago, a family of five lived on a plot of land that was about the same area as a small house.
Bradford decided to assign a plot of land to each family to work and manage, thus turning loose the power of free enterprise.
Other extravagant promises (a plot of land for every family, for instance) are derided by economists, but lapped up by the credulous.
Establishedin 1830, the Museum of Science (MoS) is a Boston, Massachusetts landmark, located in Science Park, a plot of land spanning the Charles River.
There, the Wilder family bought a plot of land dubbed Rocky Ridge by Laura, and built the home in which the "Little House" stories would later be written.
China State Construction Property Company Wednesday purchased a plot of land, "C6," in Shanghai Xinjiangwan City for RMB3.72b, becoming the new land king in the Shanghai residential land market.
He was keen to use local artisans and material and his empathy towards the active fishing community in Chowara prompted his decision to buy a plot of land that had some distance from the beach.
I thought that I'd buy myself a small plot of land and build a house on it.
Until now, people who have worked in cities illegally have been able to return to their plot of land, which acted as a safety net.
The winning bidders then become landlords, and can resell their land-use right for a certain plot of land to developers for residential and commercial development.
The family used to be farmers, but living off a small plot of land proved too hard.
"This is an area that's been planted on degraded land," Shapiro says, giving a tour of the three-acre research plot.
You get a free plot of land for a house, but you have to agree to live next to someone of the opposite ethnic group.
But the tomorrowland version of Ordos - built from scratch on a huge plot of empty land 15 miles south of the old city - is all but deserted.
There is even a do-it-yourself organic farm where individuals can rent a small plot of land and grow their own.
"Posco wants our land, it wants our water," said Makar Kandi, 75, who supports a family of eight with a one-acre plot on which he grows betel leaves in Orissa's Dhinkia village.
“浦项公司想要我们的土地,还想要我们的水,”75岁的Makar Kandi说道,他在奥里萨邦的丁其亚村拥有一亩地,靠种植槟榔叶供养一家八口人。
Prof Thomson began his research in the late 1980s after buying a remote plot of land and building a log cabin in a meadow full of glacier lilies.
Lucia Quispe, a 38-year-old mother of three, wonders where the water will come from to irrigate her plot of land, where she grows potatoes, maize and beans.
Thanks to the separation, the reduction of the ground surface area frees the rear surfaces of the land for a garden and an educational plot.
Mr DE Soto found that it took on average 500 days to register a small bakery in Egypt, or ten years to obtain legal title to a vacant plot of land.
Opposite Alsunut, on the Omdurman side, Saudi and Kuwaiti investors have bought a large plot of land on which they intend to build a huge financial centre.
Opposite Alsunut, on the Omdurman side, Saudi and Kuwaiti investors have bought a large plot of land on which they intend to build a huge financial centre.