Guan Baoying quickly went to work, and city leaders to come up with a prepared speech, said that above all agreed.
The competition includes a prepared speech in Chinese and a Chinese art and cultural show which includes Chinese pop song singing, poem reading, Taiji Boxing and drama performance.
If you are talking about a subject you know well, as I've just advised, prepared, preparing the speech itself should not be too difficult.
SPEECH Perhaps the most important tip for giving impromptu speeches is to be prepared. You can often predict when you might be asked to say a few words.
You know, I had an entire speech prepared for this wonderful occasion, but now that I'm here I think I'm going to try something a little different.
Ahmadinejad, in a speech in the south-eastern province of Kerman, broadcast on state-run television, said: "We have prepared a package that can be the basis to resolve Iran's nuclear problem."
No matter how experienced a speaker you are and how well you have prepared your speech you will have difficulty making a speech at such a noisy reception.
He didn't have a prepared text, just notes that he referred to during the speech.
No matter how experienced a speaker you are, and how well you have prepared your speech, you will have difficulty making a speech at such a noisy reception.
No matter how experienced a speaker you are, and how well you have prepared for your speech, you will have trouble making a speech at such a noisy reception.
The speech topic we're well-prepared for you is ( ), if you got a more suitable speech topic, please make notes in the acknowledgment recept.
我们为您精心准备的演讲题目是《 》,若您有更合适的演讲题目,请在后面的回执里注明。
First tof all, it's important to get well prepared before the speech contest by practicing before a mirror.
While these concerns may seem overwhelming, presenting a well-prepared and well-rehearsed speech is the best antidote to jitters about delivery.
When a teacher uses the Instruction Method, he will use the art of giving a speech and remember the prepared teaching materials.
No matter how experienced a speaker you are, and how well you have prepared your speech, you will have difficulty making a speech at such a noisy reception.
The teacher asked me to make a speech in English class and I wasn't prepared.
No matter how experienced a speaker you are, and how well you have prepared your speech, you will have difficulty making a speech at such a noisy reception.
He prepared the speech carefully and went to the wedding with Jenny. he had included a large number of funny stories in the speech and, of course, it was a great success.
The official reads from a short prepared speech and then asks both the man and woman if they are willing to be married to the other.
How many times have you heard a speaker read their speech from a prepared text, or read the word-by-word content of a powerpoint presentation as they present each slide?
During the prepared speech, a staff member will raise a cardboard as a signal that there is one minute left.
During the prepared speech, a staff member will raise a cardboard as a signal that there is one minute left.