We enclose a brochure and a price list.
We enclose (are enclosing) a price list for our exportable items.
Here is a price list together with a booklet illustrating our products.
We enclose our latest catalogue and a price list giving details you ask for.
现附寄最新目录和价格表,上面有贵方要求了解的详细情况 。
I can send you a price list and a brochure of this series for your reference.
We are pleased to send you by separate post our latest catalogue and a price list.
现另寄上我方最 新目录及价目表各一份。
Here is a catalogue and a price list. The product is Avery popular item this year.
Here is a catalogue and a price list. The product is a very popular item this year.
Here is a catalogue and a price list. The product is a very popular item this year.
Great! I can send you a price list and a brochure of this series for your reference.
Would you please send us a price list and a list of the lowest prices you may accept?
We would appreciate it if you could send us a list of your merchandise and a price list.
We would appreciate it if you could4 send us a list of your merchandise and a price list.
Now I'd like some of your sales literature and a price list for all of your export articles.
We take pleasure in sending you a brochure and a price list describing our cellular phones.
If there is, indeed, a price list for dining with mainland actresses, she must be high on it.
I hope so, too. Now I'd like some of your sales literature and a price list for all of your export articles.
Yes, I had a look around yesterday. I wish I could have them all. Can you give me a price list with specifications?
If a discounted price is taken from a price list, then by default that figure is shown as the sale price to the customer.
You've seen how the catalog Merge Wizard can help you turn information into a catalog - or even a price list or directory.
This site has a price list for tanning and selling furs, along with a photo gallery and a chat room to talk about trapping.
To give you a general idea of various kinds of cotton piece goods now available for export, we enclose a brochure and a price list.
As an example of this, goods are sold from a price list which grants favourable unit prices for purchases made in larger quantities.
In a Specific Enquiry, he points out what products he wants. He may ask for a catalogue, a price list, sample, etc, or ask for an offer.
In reply to your inquiry of January 12, we are pleased to inform you that a catalog and a price list have been airmailed separately for your reference.
Thank you. You can put the silk back in now. (She weighs the parcel on the scales) It's 1 kilogram. (She checks the weight against a price list) It's 81.5 yuan.
In a general Enquiry, a businessman states clearly all the information he needs - general information, a catalogue, or a price list, a sample or some samples, etc.
In a general Enquiry, a businessman states clearly all the information he needs - general information, a catalogue, or a price list, a sample or some samples, etc.