These partners set the prices charged to senders and are the ones being squeezed by a price war.
Apple may not want to provoke a price war in the tablet market, where it sees plenty of growth to come.
Increasingly, price is the weapon of choice and frequently the skirmishing degenerates into a price war.
In Spain the group is fighting a price war and its Italian and Belgian businesses are both being restructured.
Producers of imported art paper began to cut the prices of their products on the Chinese market in 2001, a price war.
There was a price war going on at the time, and we at Interstate 95 Gas were selling regular at twenty-nine cents a gallon.
If one firm cut its prices, destroying the unspoken deal to carve up the market, it would succeed only in starting a price war.
But the firm predicts that shipments will grow just 19 percent this year from 2008, and a price war has hurt the industry's profits.
Airbus's A320, a single-aisle aircraft, was eating into Boeing's market share, and the board had decided to take on Airbus in a price war.
This triggered a price war that led to sharp declines in the price of most generics and to similar programs being offered by other retail giants.
The idea is to let your competitors know that you’re not eager to slash prices—but that, if a price war does start, you’ll fight to the bitter end.
The tactics which enterprises manage a price war contain to take advantage of all measures to avoid the price war based on sufficient market survey.
价格战乃企业定价策略中的一种取向 ,它是我国走出短缺经济后出现的一个新的经济现象。
Every enterprise hopes to increase profits through sales volume growth, but it only turns into a price war that is destructive to both enterprises and others.
My city many cabarets still pass to hold some "high-quality service month" raise the service level, the result service cans not go up, but beats to have a price war.
A price war will erupt in the e-book market and willoffer the lowest prices, leading to it gaining a dominant position inthe market with its Kindle E-book Reader.
电子书市场爆发价格大战。 亚马逊将提供最低价格,从而通过Kindle统治市场。
A price war will erupt in the e-book market and will offer the lowest prices, leading to it gaining a dominant position in the market with its Kindle E-book Reader.
电子书市场爆发价格大战。 亚马逊将提供最低价格,从而通过Kindle统治市场。
Figuring out new ways to produce revenue right now makes some sense, because the retail e-commerce space in China is in the middle of a price war that can't be good for anybody.
Competitors like Hewlett-Packard (HPQ) and Juniper Networks (JNPR) have been waging a price war in switches and low-end routers, trying to boost volume in the face of a weak global economy.
如惠普公司(Hewlett - Packard)和瞻博网络(Juniper Net works)这样的竞争对手一直在交换机和低端路由器市场上发动价格战,试图推动销量,以对抗全球经济衰退带来的影响。
This also contributed to the rapid development of the automotive industry, in order to seize a larger market, car companies in a price war between the technology war, war and other concessions.
Their loss was partly due to a vicious price war between manufacturers that has cut margins to the bone.
Not until the war France in 1697 did William III persuade Parliament to create a professional standing army, and Parliaments price for doing so was to keep the army under tight legislative control.
The other major carriers had no choice but to go along, and the industry found itself in the middle of a full-fledged price war.
Rothschild says the price war is a symptom of the gym industry's focus on chasing new members, rather than hanging onto existing ones.
The price of a gallon of petrol in a war zone can cost up to $100.
The price of a gallon of petrol in a war zone can cost up to $100.