Performance testing usually becomes a primary concern after one of two things happens.
But strict controls and transfer of pollutants to safe locations is a primary concern.
But strict controls and transfer of pollutants to safe locations is a primary concern.
Website navigation affects both usability and accessibility, so it's important to make it a primary concern.
Throughout the design and construction process, a primary concern was conservation of the trees near the site.
Since the ChangKong-1 was originally designed as a target drone, the recovering was not a primary concern in its design.
既然长空- 1型本来被设计当作一种靶机,回收不是它的设计主要关心的方面。
A primary concern in multithreaded programming is to make sure the program runs correctly — thread safe — in a system where multiple threads are executing.
If usability is a primary concern of your system then you should organize teams so that they are close to end users so as to ensure they can easily obtain feedback from the end users.
In the recent spatial researches, distance perception has been a primary concern for understanding how human beings establishes a memory of location and navigates in an environment.
Our primary concern is to deliver an interior that maximizes comfort to create a pleasant environment.
The emphasis then changes to one of invention, where the primary concern is to develop a stable architecture that can provide the foundation for full-scale implementation effort.
Although compiled programs are generally much faster than scripts, speed is not the primary concern when creating a mechanism for generating EWU values.
For example, no business-level process or service view can be obtained if the primary concern is how low-level building blocks, representing technical devices, interconnect at a macro-level.
The emphasis then changes to one of invention, where the primary concern is to develop a stable architecture that can provide the foundation for the full-scale implementation effort.
While the income-earning side of the equation for postdocs is low, keeping the outgoing expenses equally low should be the primary concern at this stage in a career.
Our primary concern is leveraging local storage and Ajax to build a practical and useful application.
The primary concern was that a worldwide recession might just be inevitable, despite a coordinated bank rescue plan being discussed in places like Brussels, where European leaders are meeting.
Because the accuracy of polling isn't the primary concern of this article, I leave it to you to make those modifications if you really want to build a polling application.
As a consequence, the ease with which the application can be deployed and maintained, and data aggregated, will be a primary point of concern.
And in any event, our primary concern is with the program of the texts as they stand before us: is there a symbolism operating here?
Each concern is no longer a secondary feature of HTML but a primary goal for a new specification.
"The safety of our customers and employees is our primary concern, and we are grateful there were no serious injuries," Southwest chief operating officer Mike Van DE Ven said in a statement.
“客户和雇员的安全是公司首先关注点,我们很高兴他们没有受到严重的伤害,”MikeVande Ven,西南航空首席运营官,在发布会上表示。
During this process, the primary concern of Marxism is the alienation of problems, but a cycle of private ownership and alienation of the demonstration.
This course is a graduate level introduction to natural language processing, the primary concern of which is the study of human language from a computational perspective.
The only primary school children with AIDS - Linfen City of Shanxi Province, "Red Ribbon primary school" for nearly two years, the parties caused widespread concern, a good social effect.
Of the characteristics of electric power, the primary concern of the electric power system engineers is to maintain a constant operating frequency.
But for large-scale applications at the grid level, where space isn't such a concern and cost is the primary issue, these cheap, highly adaptable cells could prove to be the perfect solution.
But for large-scale applications at the grid level, where space isn't such a concern and cost is the primary issue, these cheap, highly adaptable cells could prove to be the perfect solution.