This seems to be Apple's approach: it considers Mr Jobs's health a private matter.
Chen Jiagang: Strictly speaking, it was a private matter, but it has become a public attention.
It's better to say something like, "I've always felt that one's salary history is a private matter."
INFERTILITY is normally seen as a private matter. If a couple are infertile and wish they were not, that is sad.
Some local residents thought it was a private matter while some netizens said rich people should do more charity.(See photo)
Upon learning this news, Nancy and I had to decide whether as private citizens we would keep this a private matter or whether we would make this news known in a public way.
We consider this a private matter and neither we nor any of our friends or family will have further comment. We ask for compassion and respect from the media and the public.
This seemed like a very private matter, but Peter thought about it carefully the whole night.
First and primally, should it even be a matter for international law, or might private contract law suffice?
Especially in voluntary, private law systems, it would be clear that the judges — who gave expert guidance on what the law says on a matter — are distinct from the people enforcing the law.
The process of thought, if people consider it at all, is generally believed to be a purely private matter having a momentary bearing on themselves alone.
Then in 2007 Ms Lagarde decided to send the matter before a private arbitration tribunal.
People familiar with the matter said the consortium had discussed selling control to a private equity buyer by a structured deal to list China Minzhong on Singapore's stock exchange.
Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. and Softbank Corp. are talking with private-equity funds about making a bid for all of the company without its blessing, people with knowledge of the matter said.
On July 21st its finance chief insisted that Mr Jobs's health was a "private matter", worrying investors.
When you use a BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT in class scope, it doesn't matter whether it's declared private, protected, or public.
Personal space is mostly a public matter, we allow all kinds of invasions of personal space in private.
In a matter of just a few years Beijing has gone from a city with few private cars to one where traffic jams are commonplace.
In addition the United States a vast area, population mobility is also high, and friends rarely tell private matter.
Because private thoughts and feelings are seldom expressed at work, it's easy for managers to pretend that they don't matter. Yet inner work life has a major effect on performance.
"We don't discuss William's private life, it's a matter for him, " she said, on customary condition of anonymity, in line with policy.
We can provide you with professional services no matter your requirements are and we are positive to put forward for a meeting, conference or private party.
We can provide you with professional services no matter your requirements are and we are positive to put forward for a meeting, conference or private party.