As much as I'd like to relax and enjoy my time there, it seems more like a rat race for me.
We are taught to believe that only by going to the best schools and getting the best grades can we escape the rat race and build a better future.
Believing that "mind like water" results from a productivity systems that obsessively organizes our external reality only perpetuates the rat race.
Some people who’d like to have more of a social life are crushed by the rat race, or their own compounded fears which hold them back.
If you are sleep deprived you are going to be at a severe handicap in your quest to escape the rat race and live the life of your dreams.
In our modern chaotic and rat race world, we are no longer sleeping in a naturally healthy manner.
The Rat Race refers to a pattern ofbehavior where we work for a living but barely make any progress financially.
If we stay in the rat-race 24 hours, seven days a week, we are bound to pollute our inner space as well as the outer space.
We call the difficult side of city living the rat race. Working long hours and living in small Spaces can make you feel like a rat.
I'd love to get out of the rat race and buy a house in some remote part of the countryside.
The new movie Wanderlust is about a couple who are caught in the rat race, living in New York City and working important jobs, until one of them gets fired.
We live in a society that favors the rat race and where performance mesmerizes the minds.
Rug-rat race refers to the intense pressure put on children to achieve early educational success, particularly as a prerequisite for eventually getting into an elite university.
We'll need plentiful access to nice schools and neighbourhoods, and less of a rat-race culture in the office.
We, in a rat-race, are urged to not only grasp the known but also quest for the unknown.
The trouble with the rat race is that even if you win, you're still a rat. -lily Tomlin.
If you are looking for a way out of the rat race, you are not alone.
The next time you are stressed out by your rat race, spend a day doing absolutely nothing.
Bird Watching is a great way to escape the rat race and be one with nature.
The flooding began flushing out rat holes around the lake, triggering a literal rat race for higher ground.
The study of Banks' scale economics which has a great importance for Chinese Banks getting a place in the international rat race.
The study of Banks' scale economics which has a great importance for Chinese Banks getting a place in the international rat race.