The book was inspired by a real person, namely Tamara de Treaux.
A child might be less afraid to make a mistake in front of a robot than in front of a real person.
I'm sorry, do you mean to say, it's a real-life series about a real person?
"I was surprised and angered because it's the most shameless use of a real person to make up the image of a terrorist, " Llamazares said.
Your guests don't want to socialize with a robot - they want a real person.
A real person has two reasons for doing anything — a good reason and the real reason.
一个真正的人做事情有两个原因- - -一个好的原因和一个真正的原因。
I wanted the executive producer to meet my doctors so he'd know I'd be a real person again.
After all, if Christ was a real person in a single real body, his features can’t suddenly change.
The story revolves around an android who comes to the emotional realization that he is not a real person.
Until he goes deep inside a role based on a real person, he doesn't feel he's done the work justice.
We really don't know, so scholars are completely at sea as far is if Theophilus a real person or is he not.
At least Liu Yiting is a real person who really got into Harvard and her mother really wrote that book.
It concluded much later, after a personality, a real person, could be pinned to each of those pretty faces.
"We created a certain image" based on a real person, Mr. Yen said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal.
Laura Ashley, like Lillian Vernon and Liz Claiborne but unlike Betty Crocker and Ann Taylor, was a real person.
Then the little mermaid becomes a real person, but she really is in a lot of pain, the pain is worse than she expected.
I don't know if Cody is a real person or perhaps an industry lobbyist with a great imagination and tremendous creativity.
The technology influx has made college life informal. Less and less is it necessary to stand in a line or talk to a real person.
How this is done, however, is determined by a deeper and fundamental problem: the role attributed to the analyst as a real person.
Are you one of those people who dials a customer service line and just keeps pressing zero until you get to talk to a real person?
The important thing is that you think about a real person and the possible reasons why they are powerful, why others choose to follow them.
Sun Tzu lived and wrote (if indeed he was a real person) in the agrarian age, when most of the land was either wilderness or cultivated.
"It's like finding a lover," she says. "At first everything they do is exciting, but over time a good lover becomes more of a real person."
Kosaku Shima of Hatsushiba Goyo Holdings has only one serious shortcoming: he is not a real person, but a manga, or cartoon, character (see article).
The previous androids had lifelike appearances, every detail trying to reproduce the features of a real person. The Telenoid has a minimalistic design.
His name became so famous through theses plays and the adoption of the term chauvinism that people actually began to believe that he had been a real person.
His name became so famous through theses plays and the adoption of the term chauvinism that people actually began to believe that he had been a real person.