Such courses, Hacker argues, are a remedy for the numerical illiteracy of adults who have completed high-level math like algebra but are unable to calculate the price of a carpet by area.
Such courses, Hacker argues, are a remedy for the numerical illiteracy of adults who have completed high-level math like algebra but are unable to calculate the price of, say, a carpet by area.
A hobby canserve as a remedy for stress and restore your vitality and whenever you arestressed out.
You may just be over-thinking it, and there's a remedy for that: stop thinking about it for a while.
You will get a database update containing a remedy for your specific virus problems within 24 hours!
In the past, "lucky" gold COINS were turned into rings to be worn as a remedy for many types of illness.
Some say that Roman Chamomile is better for relaxing applications and as a remedy for ailments of the body.
The fruit is widely used in Ayurveda which is considered as a remedy for constipation, diarrhea, dysentery and common cold.
Perhaps Gaga, 24, was seeking a remedy for her dimpled legs as she made her way to the Tracy Anderson gym in New York City.
也许24岁的Lady Gaga前往纽约的特雷西·安德森健身中心就是为了修复她大腿上的褶皱。
Debt-forgiveness (zero-out) on all Credit Card, Auto, Personal, Educational, and Mortgage Loan Debt as a remedy for years of Bank Frauds.
No period of grace may BE granted to the seller by a court or arbitral tribunal when the buyer resorts to a remedy for breach of contract.
A "werewolf" gene which causes hair to grow all over the body has been found by scientists, who say the discovery could lead to a remedy for baldness.
A 'werewolf' gene which causes hair to grow all over the body has been found by scientists, who say the discovery could lead to a remedy for baldness.
There is not one of his characters who does not have that thorn in the flesh, who does not aggravate it or seek a remedy for it in sensation or immortality.[24]
Alaburda's day in court will take on added meaning: These will be her first public words after years of silence while she pursued a remedy for a legal education gone wrong.
Made from menthol, camphor, mint oil and other ingredients, the ointment is pungent and touted as a remedy for maladies from headaches and mosquito bites to nausea and foot corns.
Recent studies have found that very low doses of melatonin, administered as a food supplement, can induce sleep, making the hormone potentially useful as a remedy for sleep disorders or jet lag.
This new collotype sensitive glue suitable for summer use is prepared with the purpose of making a remedy for the default of the previous collotype sensitive glue which is apt to stick to paper.
Pickle juice has long been touted as a fix for cramping muscles, and now a recent study lends even more credibility to this home remedy.
As for colds, the sooner a person starts taking over-the-counter remedy, the sooner relief will come.
This kind of love reveals the void of a soul suspended between all and nothing just as becoming a Don Juan is the only remedy for a broken heart.
But chicken soup has been touted as a cold remedy for more than a thousand years.
Elegant and regal with a nimbus of white hair, the founder, Renée Héraux, 77, greeted the women with a home remedy for distress. One by one, she fed them spoonfuls of a sugar cane syrup concoction.
该大学的创建者是77岁的Renee Heraux,她十分优雅且带着帝王气,银丝散发着灵气,她用家庭减压疗法向她们问好并给她们一个个喂了几勺蔗糖浆。
For fruit, have you considered having papaya as a constipation remedy or including it as part of your regular diet?
These values are a cause for concern and determining the biology behind this is the first step to remedy the trend.
So if you have the inclination and the motivation for a quick solution, do try this remedy for a quick fix.
Caffeine is known more as a pick-me-up than a home remedy, but for years scientists have wondered whether it may have benefits for people with asthma.
I have observed how downloading a large batch of remedy files for an application has been interrupted numerous times due to some network problems.
As a result, the original plan looked a lot like the traditional remedy for a liquidity crisis at a solvent bank.
One remedy would be for Greece to arrange a bridging loan from another euro-zone country in good credit, such as Germany.