He was a man of many talents, a Renaissance man in the true sense of the world.
You could call Archibald macleish a Renaissance man meaning he had many interests and talents. perhaps you are a Renaissance person too. what are your interests and talents?
Paddy is a modern-day renaissance man in his mid-40s whose life at times seems only slightly less fantastical than Jackson's.
He was the ultimate Renaissance man - studying anatomy, designing a rudimentary helicopter and creating some of the most admired paintings of the age.
Michelangelo, the original Renaissance man, is regarded more often as a great sculptor even though his most famous work is arguably the vast fresco painting.
Whether you credit Mad Men (2007-2015) or Breaking Bad (2008-2013), TV's recent Renaissance began with a literal interpretation of moral relativism: Man is the measure of all things.
无论你是否对《广告狂人》(2007- 2015)或《绝命毒师》(2008 - 2013)赞誉有加,(你都不能否认)近期电视荧屏的复兴始于对道德相对论的文学解读:男性是衡量万物的唯一准则。
Whether you credit Mad Men (2007-2015) or Breaking Bad (2008-2013), TV's recent Renaissance began with a literal interpretation of moral relativism: Man is the measure of all things.
无论你是否对《广告狂人》(2007- 2015)或《绝命毒师》(2008 - 2013)赞誉有加,(你都不能否认)近期电视荧屏的复兴始于对道德相对论的文学解读:男性是衡量万物的唯一准则。