It was something closer to a rescue mission, though it was not presented in those terms.
But after the earthquake, circumstances changed, and, like it or not, our adoption became a rescue mission.
A rescue mission to save one of the world's rarest birds, the Madagascar Pochard, seems to have succeeded.
Prince William took part in a rescue mission after a cargo ship sank in the Irish Sea early Sunday morning, CNN reports.
Make sure your boss approves of this if you need to go on a rescue mission to save a task a co-worker cannot handle.
It is indispensable for performing a rescue mission or other flight missions conforming to the public interest of the society.
Endeavor was prepared for launch in case a rescue mission is necessary as the crew of Atlantis work on the Hubble Space Telescope.
A small plane with two sick U.S. workers arrived safely in Chile late Wednesday after leaving Antarctica in a daring rescue mission from a remote South Pole research station.
A spokesman said the search and rescue mission was mounted after the jet failed to make regular radio contact.
And, since average swimming speed is about 3kph (2mph) even a single rescue mission can take more than half an hour.
In January 1945, U.S. Army Rangers and Filipino guerrilla forces launched a mission to rescue the soldiers, going behind enemy lines to attack the camp.
So two weeks ago I stood in the severely depleted River Lathkill in Derbyshire assisting with a brown-trout rescue mission as horizontal rain belted us for seven hours.
The astronauts could use the space station as a safe haven in the event of major problems and rotate back to Earth aboard Russian Soyuz spacecraft, eliminating the need for a shuttle rescue mission.
His father goes on a mission to rescue him. Albert Brooks, Ellen DeGeneres, Alexander Gould and some others lent their voices to the main characters of this all time great animated movie.
A disheveled and unshaven Luo yesterday borrowed a uniform from soldiers on the rescue mission.
If the worst case happens, however, and an aircraft goes down, a combat search and rescue mission kicks into high gear to extract the aircrew from hostile territory quickly and safely.
Receiving a Warriors' blessing from the chief of the tribe, Montés' mission is to rescue Jack.
Calrissian volunteered in a daring mission to rescue Solo from Jabba the Hutt's fortress on Tatooine.
The CSAR mission became a formal assignment for the F-16 earlier this year as a result of Aerospace Expeditionary Force rotations and the lack of dedicated search and rescue aircraft.
This excursion was never intended to simply be an aerial tour but, in fact, a search and rescue mission.
The Brazilian Air Force says a search and rescue mission was launched off Brazil's northeast coast.
Anthropology is a discipline to understand human nature through the research into different cultures while it is endowed with the mission to probe into reality and rescue dying cultures.
Leia, Lando, Chewbacca, and Luke planned a mission to rescue him from Jabba's fortress on Tatooine.
The former may then choose to go on a mission to rescue his comrades from imprisonment, while the latter will not have that choice.
In January 1945, U. S. Army Rangers and Filipino guerrilla forces launched a mission to rescue the soldiers, going behind enemy lines to attack the camp.
Bobbi went to a beautiful new planet, joined a special rescue team, to shoulder the mission of saving the planet.
He sends Isaac on a mission to rescue a woman on Tau Volantis and bring her back to Mars.
他指派艾萨克去完成一个从Tau Volantis营救一个女人并将她护送回火星的任务。
When offered an opportunity for freedom, Kye sets out on one last rescue mission, only to become stranded on a desert moon when his ship - the Arrowhead - crash lands.
桂是卷入战争两军说,他不相信之间的囚犯提供时对自油的机会,桂阐述了在最后一个救援任务,不仅要成为被困在沙漠的月亮时,他的船-箭头 -崩溃土地。
When offered an opportunity for freedom, Kye sets out on one last rescue mission, only to become stranded on a desert moon when his ship - the Arrowhead - crash lands.
桂是卷入战争两军说,他不相信之间的囚犯提供时对自油的机会,桂阐述了在最后一个救援任务,不仅要成为被困在沙漠的月亮时,他的船-箭头 -崩溃土地。