Study Design. A retrospective clinical and radiologic evaluation of patients with vertebral osteomyelitis treated via radical debridement and stabilization using titanium mesh cages.
In a prior retrospective study, her group demonstrated a poor correlation between clinical and ultrasound findings in ankle disease with juvenile idiopathic arthritis, she said.
Methods: in a retrospective study, 13 cases were diagnosed ACS with their clinical characters and given laparotomy operation and decompression and drainage of abdominal cavity.
Methods A retrospective study was made on the clinical data of 10 cases of SMT.
Study Design. A retrospective study of clinical results of operative treatment for degenerative lumbar scoliosis.
Methods a retrospective study of 30 patients were on age, occupation, region, cause, blood glucose spectrum, psychological characteristics, length of stay and other clinical epidemiological analysis.
METHODS: a retrospective study was performed on the clinical data of 217 patients who had underwent radical operation through three-field lymphadenectomy.
Methods a retrospective analyses and study up on 13 children with the clinical diagnosis of ADEM to identify the clinical features, treatment and prognosis.
Retrospective study on the clinical dates of the 245 cases of paratyphoid A.
Methods a retrospective study was made on ct findings and clinical features of 11 RB cases (ll eyes) pathologically confirmed.
Method: Survey by a retrospective study of clinical cases and collecting the relative data.
Methods a retrospective study was conducted on the clinical nursing management of 514 cases in ICU of the emergency department.
A retrospective study was made on the diagnosis and microsurgical management of 38 cases of cranial orbital tumors treated in our hospital in order to improve its clinical outcome.
Methods A retrospective study was performed in 13 cases with sacral epidural cyst confirmed by operation. The clinical manifestation, CT, MRI and lumbar myelography finding were reviewed.
Methods A retrospective study was carried out among 9 cases with this lesion treated in our Hospital, carried out through careful analysis on their clinical data.
Study design: a retrospective chart review of patients who underwent a lung biopsy because of a clinical suggestion of pulmonary hemorrhage.
Methods 369 clinical data of 218 patients with myasthenia gravis crisis between 1956 and 2004 were evaluated in a retrospective study.
方法回顾性分析1956 ~ 2004年诊治的218例患者369例次重症肌无力危象的病例资料。
METHODS A retrospective study was carried out to investigate the clinical data of 1229 stroke patients in department of neurology from Jan 2009 to Sep 2010.
Methods: a retrospective study was undertaken and the clinical data between 50 cases of gallstone in the Hartmann's pouch and 50 regular cases at the same period were compared.
Methods: a retrospective study was undertaken and the clinical data between 50 cases of gallstone in the Hartmann's pouch and 50 regular cases at the same period were compared.