We had a run on a bank in the UK, it was called Northern Rock, last year.
Capital is the money that they have to pay out should there be a -its assets that they can quickly liquefy and pay out should there be a run on the bank.
However, far from restoring confidence, this caused a run on other Austrian Banks and on the currency; the national bank lost more than a third of its gold reserves.
A run on the bank usually happens when people believe there is danger a bank may fail or close.
Unfortunately, what we've seen recently is a kind of a bank run on the asset-backed commercial paper.
A bank run is a situation where a bank can be bankrupted simply on the strength of the fear that it might happen.
Finally, you'll develop a bank portal to provide a simple browser UI through which users can interact with this end-to-end application, which will soon be ready to run on Zend Core.
This week Globex, a small retail bank, experienced a run on deposits.
Financial markets endured another tumultuous few days, starting with a run on Bear Stearns, a venerable Wall Street bank, amid rumours of its imminent collapse.
有传言声称备受推崇的华尔街银行贝尔斯登(Bear Stearns)即将破产,随后,金融市场再次经历数天动荡。
Since then, fears of a breakdown have eased, in part because the Fed has made clear it will defend the big firms at the core of the financial system from a run on the bank.
The decision to nationalise marks the failure of a five-month effort to sell the stricken lender, which last September suffered from the first serious run on a British bank since the 19th century.
The decision to nationalise marks the failure of a five-month effort to sell the stricken lender, which last September suffered from the first serious run on a British bank since the 19th century.