I had a running nose. I turned all night long and did not get much sleep.
It seems to be improving. I can smell properly now, but sometimes I still have a running nose.
Weight gain is as common a complaint amongst allergy sufferers, as itchy eyes or a running nose.
I've also been having some cold-like symptoms the past few days, especially sneezing and a running nose. They're very mild though.
To avoid spreading and picking up germs, wash your hands well and use tissues instead of a hankies, when you have running nose.
First up, coughing, sneezing, fever, running nose, there is nothing unusual about that staff this time a year.
Tim: My nose is constantly running. I have a fever and I vomited a few times. Do you think it is a cold?
Tim: My nose is constantly running. I have a fever and I vomited a few times. Do you think it is a cold?
If you are starting to have running nose, sneezings and a bit of headache seemingly getting a flu?
Usually my eyes get teary and I have a badly running nose when I drive outside or go to a picnic in the suburbs.
So in the case of a long-running nose, it's best to let each nose run its course.
So while I was running nose, the phone calls again. And I said a delightful answer in a sobbed way.
I am not sure was it because of not covering well when falling asleep, I found that I got a sore throat and running nose the day before yesterday morning.
His nose, red with cold, was running. On his ears, he wore a pair of tattered earmuffs.
The workplace now is vastly different than it was when I was a lad in shortpants three decades ago running around in the schoolyard, wiping snot from my nose and learning about the Cold War.
I can see that your face is a little tear stained, and your nose has been running.
Measles. Measles is a highly contagious viral infection characterized initially by fever, cough, running nose, and red eyes.
Measles. Measles is a highly contagious viral infection characterized initially by fever, cough, running nose, and red eyes.