If more than one species is competing for a scarce resource, the competing species usually switch to different alternative resources.
Sadly, spectrum is a scarce resource.
Marriage is not a scarce resource that has to be rationed.
Blood must be viewed as a scarce resource that carries risks and benefits.
A lot of people say it is a scarce resource, but most people don't recognize this.
So a price mechanism and market is needed to mediate the competition for a scarce resource.
A gold standard clearly protects the interest of creditors since it ties the value of money to a scarce resource.
"Blood must be viewed as a scarce resource that carries risks and benefits," said Spiess. "This is a huge event for medicine."
But because the nickel is a scarce resource, it should try to use other alloying elements substitution of nickel chromium steel.
Wireless frequencies are a scarce resource, so wireless providers use multiplexing to send multiple calls over a single frequency.
Glasses are no longer a scarce resource costing many hundreds of dollars, they can be as simple as buying a DVD or book online, and cost about the same.
The freshwater resource is considered as a scarce resource as its quality is getting deteriorated with the increasing use and improper governance structure.
This means that slots on the grid are a scarce resource so there is immediately competition to get people up on stage early to say their idea before someone grabs the slot or topic they want.
Although economic conditions in many parts are better, but high school still can not fully meet the needs of the community, in particular, high-quality high schools have become a scarce resource.
Furthermore, most species do not depend entirely on a single resource, if the major resource for a species becomes scarce, the species can usually shift to alternative resources.
If you're managing a project, figure out what the scarce resource is (it's not usually money).
On a cell phone, memory is a scarce and precious resource, and should be released back to the system when your program is done servicing a request.
In reality, the message queuing resource is either scarce or isn't scarce while Web services are waiting to send or receive a message.
It's a striking irony that to extract its plentiful uranium, Namibia must use quantities of a very scarce resource: water.
What Jefferson noted is the wonderful feature of a non-scarce, orinfinite, good that it is effectively a free resource.
The resource is either scarce or not while Web services are waiting to send or receive a message.
It consumes a great deal charcoal smelting metal Silicon by charcoal, which depends completely on the increasingly scarce forest resource.
Cities across China are raising the price of water, in moves that try to balance the need to conserve an increasingly scarce resource with the effects on a public used to low fees.
It seems to be a happy accident, since you have failed to realise the true scarce resource here.
Land is a kind of very valuable and scarce and irreplaceable resource with a very important base position.
On the condition of the buyer's market, a customer has been the most important scarce resource as well as the most important strategic asset.
Entrepreneurs are important and scarce economic resource in modern economy, and the rational allocation and using of entrepreneurs resource need a perfect entrepreneurs market.
Entrepreneurs are important and scarce economic resource in modern economy, and the rational allocation and using of entrepreneurs resource need a perfect entrepreneurs market.