Depression screening is a universal intervention provided to large Numbers of secondary school students.
Our school is a nine-year schools, so students has its particularity, primary and secondary school students in all aspects there are significant differences.
And secondary school students through the cultivation of an awareness of heritage conservation, and enhance awareness of national heritage, for a country and a nation is great news.
Tennis champion Serena Williams was honored for using her Serena Williams Foundation to give grants to U. S. college students and recently opening a secondary school in Kenya.
Secondary school students involved in conservation issues, there is still a long way to go.
In secondary school composition teaching, the problem that students' creativity is strangled has been existing over a long period of time and is growing in intensity.
For example, secondary school students to work before the first application for a tax ID work visa.
Our secondary school students as a result of many factors, such as college entrance examination pressure, do not have a strong sense of social responsibility, poor awareness of heritage preservation.
In this thesis, the author analyzes the conditions of reading abilities for students in Secondary Vocational School and present some problems acquired from a reading questionnaire.
It is a chief unsolved subject for pedagogy and psychology to investigate the mental situation of students in secondary school taught in Mongolian language (SSSTML).
The third part gives the reasons why secondary vocational school has got a hard situation to recruit students from the social environment and vocational school itself.
Fourth grade in elementary school, I participated in a national essay contest for primary and secondary school students.
Methods The students form a normal secondary school and those of Grade two , Grade four , Grade six form a primary school are chosen as the subject for the experiment.
Each year we take a moment in our Worship Services to recognize, celebrate, and pray for those students graduating from High School/Secondary School.
Tenniss champion Serena Williams was honored for using her Serena Williams Foundation to give grants to U. S. college students and recently opening a secondary school in Kenya.
Students entering secondary school, there will be a series of changes in the psychological.
Methods A total of 236 students were investigated by using the scale for attribution of success or failure of primary and secondary school students in examination.
方法采用中小学生考试成败归因量表对私立学校学生236名进行调查。结果“成败”是影响学生考试结果归因的主要因素,“性别”与“ 生源地”的作用很小。
These are some words from a song widely sung among primary and secondary school students, a song reflecting their life status.
The students in secondary vocational schools are a special group compared with senior high school students, for most of them are failures of elementary education.
Objective to assess the depression and anxiety symptoms and the relevant factors of students in a technical secondary school.
Objective: to learn about the level of AIDS knowledge among the medical secondary school students and to assess the effectiveness of a health education booklet known as "AIDS knowledge".
Depending on the goal of our study, we determined the boundaries of this case? The intermediate-level students in a senior secondary school.
Most secondary school students spend a whole year studying two textbooks, which contain only a very limited number of simple, unauthentic, fragmented English dialogues or words.
Shanxi Province is the most qualified teachers in a strong secondary. 46 schools teaching classes, students at school more than 2600.
Establish scientific goal in secondary school, all the students almost have a common goal, and that is that pass the college entrance examination, again so tight, intolerable they can persist.
Teachers want to continue to work hard and do a good primary and secondary school students.
Teachers want to continue to work hard and do a good primary and secondary school students.