The third approach, which is not new, comprises a series of measures ranging from pricing to revitalising alternative modes of transport and targeting investment in the trans-European network.
India is taking a series of measures to reverse soaring food inflation.
To prevent this from occurring, the roller seal with a series of measures.
So tonight, I propose a series of measures called Jobs for the 21st Century.
He proposed a series of measures that might ward off the environmental apocalypse.
China's central bank has rolled out a series of measures to try to tame inflation.
In order to improve anti-jamming capacity, the system adopts a series of measures.
Announcements included a series of measures to strengthen cooperation on clean energy.
A series of measures will be adopted to increase China's comprehensive grain production ability.
采取一系列措施,全面提高粮食综 合生产能力。
Yahoo has been taking a series of measures to turn the company around since Bartz came to power.
Through four aspects of the argument, there are a series of measures to carry out hepatitis B science.
Described are a series of measures taken to improve the riding comfort of vehicles for Shinkansen in Japan.
A long period of time living in the integration of foreigners here have been a series of measures to promote.
Officials introduced a series of measures to reduce pollution during the Games, including restrictions on driving.
A June increase in down-payment requirements is just the latest in a series of measures to cool the housing sector.
Is Hanjin Shipping's decision to stay testimony to the effectiveness of a series of measures announced by PSA recently?
Library should improve service quality through a series of measures in order to change the status of graduation thesis writing.
After taking a series of measures to aid poor-off students, this act has been recognized by the society and has made prominent effect.
During the design of hardware circuits and printed circuit board, we take a series of measures to design the reliability of the system.
The practice of a series of measures ensures stable production, betters the product quality, and brings about good economic results for the enterprise.
Due to a series of measures, unveiled earlier this year, to ease traffic in Beijing, the cost of travelling by privately owned vehicles is rising rapidly.
We should also adopt a series of measures to reinforce the legal system management of whole country's unified market order so as to improve our market order.
As a global pollutant, atmospheric mercury has been attracting more and more attention and many countries has established a series of measures to control it.
This paper describes corrosive certainty and gravity for ageing aircraft, and poses a series of measures preventedand controlled corrosion of ageing aircraft.
For instance, schools could recruit teachers from among the best university graduates, an idea that was part of a series of measures published in England on November 24th.
Consumers will always feel some risk and can take a series of measures to reduce this kind of risk before the purchase decision-making, this is the consumer perceived risk.
Consumers will always feel some risk and can take a series of measures to reduce this kind of risk before the purchase decision-making, this is the consumer perceived risk.