According to parents who are successful, a few favorite, short, easy, happy books might have been read two or three hundred times in the first three years of life.
Short decades of life, anyone would have two times, so we have to have a happy every day.
Love tears, if it can raise a happy flower? If life will smile and whether it can fade sad star? Flowering is short in Xingheng, but since life dream is not a dream!
It's only three short stories, in our life, you, me or she would have occurred or had moved a lot of, some will make us happy, some will make us cry, but no matter how we, life still need to continue.
In other words, it's better to live a short but happy and useful life than to live a long but unhappy and useless life.
If I have learned one thing it's that life is to short to take things to seriously and that you have to take life for advantage to be happy in a way.
There are also many happy hours and pleasure in man's life-time, but according to the law of nature, they are impermanent and these last only for a short time and vanish into nothing.
I did approach few and had a short chat with them and they are happy with their life... that's all that matters, isn't it?
Everyone's life is a line, and the other at each stage of the cross-line, short-let you feel very happy, but you can not monopoly, and you really tied to the end of the line is not straight.
Anna Quindlen, in her book a Short Guide to a Happy Life, writes, "Life is good. I don't mean in any cosmic way."
Anna Quindlen, in her book a Short Guide to a Happy Life, writes, "Life is good. I don't mean in any cosmic way."