Among other requirements, they must offer a side dish that meets similar criteria, with fewer than 200 calories and less than 35% of its calories from sugar.
If you're looking for a side dish to your beer, try our "Yul Bong Jumble"!
My hubby cooked pork steaks and I made a side dish of oven Fried potato chips.
Add some low-fat cheese to round out a side dish with immune-enhancing B vitamins and vitamin d.
Your steak comes with a side dish. Would you like rice mashed potato steamed vegetable or baked potato.
Your steak comes with a side dish. would you like rice, mashed potato, steamed vegetable or baked potato.
A traditional bento consists of rice, fish or meat, and one or more pickled or cooked vegetables as a side dish.
Plus, getting vegetables in the main entrée means you don't have to worry about making a side dish, which is a great time-saver.
Eat them raw, try them baked, add them diced into a salad or saute an apple with Onions as a side dish for chicken or fish.
Andno Baltimore Thanksgiving would be complete without a side dish of sauerkraut — a testamentto the city's German heritage.
The water beetle, also known as the 'predacious diving beetle', is often Fried with garlic and ginger and sold as a side dish.
Eat pearled barley as a side dish instead of rice, use it for a hearty casserole, or boil it to create a unique base for a stir-fry meal.
It is also common to have a "pot-luck" picnic, where the host prepares the meat on the grill and everyone brings a side dish big enough to share.
人们还喜欢举办一种叫pot - luck的野餐会:由主人准备烤肉、每个人再带一些小菜来大家一起分享。
A tender kurobuta pork is simmered in a tamarind broth thickened with the starch of taro root. It’s served with a side dish of red rice and fish sauce.
A tender kurobuta pork simmered in a tamarind broth that is thickened with the starch of taro root. It's served with a side dish of red rice and fish sauce.
Varenik, a sweet side-dish, is made by boiling the pressed grapes for between 20 and 30 hours.
Add this healthful pick to soups and stews in the last 20 minutes of cooking, or saute it with a splash of olive oil for a delicious side dish.
For a simple side dish, they're best steamed for about five minutes. This preserves nettles' nutritional content and stops them cooking down too much.
We know the avocado tastes great, but outside of an occasional guacamole dip, few of us reach for this high-fiber food for salads or as a great side dish.
Those in Cuba, Spain, and Hungary roast their pigs and pig's feet are a popular side dish in Sweden.
Kim said even Korean women use plastic gloves when making a potent version of the side dish.
Harumi makes a seductively colorful side dish by dressing lightly blanched green beans, broccoli, and cauliflower in a salty-sweet miso dressing.
The modern and modular four-part dish, with designated space for fruits, vegetables, grains, and protein, is accompanied by a serving of dairy on the side.
Seoul, South Korea: Yakult company workers make Kimchi, a traditional Korean side dish.
Seoul, South Korea: Yakult company workers make Kimchi, a traditional Korean side dish.