But a simple device, which solves this problem successfully, mends the flaw of designs of many microscopes.
It's a simple device that contains a pressure-sensitive button that sends a signal when it is pressed or released.
A simple device for measuring laser interference fringe visual acuity of retina-brain system of the human eye is introduced.
A gas producer is a simple device consisting of usually cylindrical container with space for fuel, air inlet, gas exit and grate.
As a simple device without moving parts, vortex tube is composed of nozzle, vortex chamber, separating plate, control valve, hot-end and cold-end.
Optical fiber manufacturing methods, which manufacture optical fibers with uniform characteristics using a simple device construction, are provided.
A simple device, such as a lever, a pulley, or an inclined plane, that alters the magnitude or direction, or both, of an applied force; a simple machine.
That used to be a simple device, working like a radio-frequency identification tag when it passes under a gantry on a toll road, but it is also getting smarter.
The screwdown block is improved by mechanics analysis with boundary element method, and a simple device is designed for dynamic load of oil film bearing used in high-speed wire rolling mill.
A method was discovered to disable these ELF towers from exerting their mind control functions by placing a simple device known as an orgone generator within a radius of 1,300 feet of these towers.
This article introduce a simple device to check oil viscidity in field, which is of simple structure and easy operation. It also focuses on the operation principle and the scale plates calibration.
That's what we wanna achieve with Kindle, to have a device, so simple, a tool that would disappear and let you enter the author's world.
While this article described how a simple in-home health monitoring device, gateway, and monitoring system are implemented, there are clearly many more domains where this architecture applies.
If the device only performs a simple cryptographic function, all of the objects must be managed by the software.
The device, which consists of two conductors fastened to the head by a rubber strap, significantly boosted results in a simple arithmetic test, they said.
With a set of buttons and a loud bell, the device, sold by National Cash Register (NCR), was little more than a simple adding machine.
A simple implementation of WSDM was implemented on a mobile device to demonstrate that you can implement WSDM and its requisite specifications on resource-constrained devices.
The device management network setup is usually very simple: a flat-layer two-type network on a 10/100 switch is acceptable for device management purposes, so no further explanation is needed.
设备管理网络的设置通常非常简单:在 10/100兆交换机上平层的两类网络可以满足设备管理要求,所以无需多做说明。
A category defines a particular kind of device; cellular telephones, simple pagers, and organizers are separate categories.
Dr Shields's device, however, is a simple modification of the sort of equipment that is already used to detect multiple photons, and should thus be easy to deploy.
This file is a simple Linux shell script that contains all commands for loading device drivers to system memory.
With the device ID stored, adding a graph is as simple as calling the add_graphs.php script.
存储了设备ID之后,添加一个图表就和调用add_graphs .php脚本一样简单。
WebSphere Portal has a simple and effective method for determining device characteristics.
That's what we wanna achieve with Kindle, to have a device, so simple, it's a tool that would disappear and let you enter the author's world.
We have shown you how to develop a simple RCP sample using the Lotus Expeditor client toolkit and how to deploy it on a mobile device.
The file Transfer Protocol (FTP), which first appeared in April 1971, remains a simple way to move files from one device to another.
Here is a simple monkeyrunner program that connects to a device, creating a MonkeyDevice object.
Here is a simple monkeyrunner program that connects to a device, creating a MonkeyDevice object.